Women Of Integrity Easter Conference

ON April 9, hundreds of women will converge on the grounds of Calvary Deliverance Church, East Street South to celebrate their 19th Annual Conference. Conference host Elder Beverley Clarke has seen her vision for the Women Of Integrity Conference to engage and impact women and families throughout the Bahamas and internationally, encouraging them to walk in kingdom dominion and integrity. It begins with a high powered Easter Monday service, which is the only service planned for the 9th and its speaker is Apostle J. R. Butler, whose prophetic and apostolic ministry was introduced to them by Prophet Brian Carn on a ministry visit. Rev. Eileen Johnson, National Youth Director for the Church Of God and Turks and Caicos, who ministers radically and powerfully will be one of our other featured speakers. Other psalmists and minstrels include, Min. Nadene Moss, Shaback, CDC Fine Arts Team, Karrington Mckenzie and many more. The W.O.I. Conference will also feature special sessions for girls ages 5-17 from 9am to 2pm which will include timely topics and activities designed just for them. On April 14 a special sailaway will take place to the lovely beaches of Harbor Island. All are welcomed as it will be a day of recreation and relaxation. All nightly services on April 10 and 11 begin at 7pm.

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