FNM releases its Manifesto

DURING a mass rally on RM Bailey Park last night, leader of the FNM Hubert Ingraham released his party's 2012 Manifesto, which lays out its plan for the Bahamas for the next five years should they win the May 7 general election.

See tomorrow's Big-T for more on the party's platform.

The FNM's Manifesto 2012 can be viewed here.


Philosopher_King says...

I will reserve my full comment until after a good weekend read of this propaganda, but my utter shock at a picture of The Dear Maximum Leader with Bahamian children of African descent whose future he continuously puts on the back burner for the foreign investors’ interest and the vision of our Bahamas of that his local financial benefactors from the traditional wealthy merchant class made me shudder at his audacity.

Posted 13 April 2012, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...

please philosopher king...dont allow your dislike for an individual or party or policy make a fool out of you. "Children of African descent" and what is Mr Ingraham, dear sir pray tell???
I always tell my children "if you are smart be proud to show it off" because fool seems to glory in foolishess. I invite you sir in all your wisdom and audacity to find local investors to replace the foriegn investors, put your money power where your mouth power is!!!!
Enough of the nonsensical talking.

Any party who tells the Bahamian people they will not seek out foriegn investors or get loans from the World Bank or others, is lying to the people. Without knowing the actualities of the accounts Mr. Christie already stated that he will have to borrow $300 Million when he comes to power (like we fool, to make the same mistake twice!), child please!

Posted 13 April 2012, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

joey says...

The PLP late again on its book that will show how it will govern for the next five years.There is no excuse for this. Favor should have been on the PLP side since they are in oppostion and not burden down with the job of governing. The PLP had all the time in the world to beat the FNM on getting its plan to the people first.While in opposition the FNM got its manifesto out first and in government they beat the PLP again.you know Perry Christie cannot change late again late again.

Posted 16 April 2012, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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