Vandals at the gate

CAMPAIGN silliness is now in full swing with both major parties hurling claims of vandalism at each other.

According to a website in no way connected to Fred Mitchell, the Fox Hill MP's campaign team put up posters around the constituency as soon as the House of Assembly was dissolved, only to find them torn down the next day - no doubt by rabid FNM operatives in what was a "deliberate act of sabotage".

Meanwhile, FNMs in Montagu say several of their posters have been smashed up - mostly those bearing the image of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

The FNM's say their posters were the first to go up, and the damage followed suspiciously close on the heels of the PLP poster team that followed in their wake.

These claims have been echoed by FNM officials in many other Nassau constituencies - who were kind enough to provide photographic evidence.

And, as the race heats up on Grand Bahama, political billboards are the latest target of abuse.

Both parties held mass rallies there on Saturday, and a billboard featuring Neko Grant, the FNM candidate for Central Grand Bahama, was vandalised in Eight Mile Rock.

But before FNMs erupt in righteous indignation, they should consider that a poster of Julian Russell, the PLP candidate for that constituency, was completely torn down around the same time.

Meanwhile, political billboards are themselves quickly becoming a dangerous nuisance in New Providence, drivers say.

Roundabouts and intersections are now so clogged with political mugs that driver visibility is being affected.

One particularly grievous culprit is the billboard of Mount Moriah MP and Minister of National Security Tommy Turnquest at the corner of Skyline Drive and Skyline Lakes, which has allegedly been the cause of a few close calls already.


mynameis says...


Posted 17 April 2012, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaSand says...

We fought, cried, sweat, bled in 1973 to get to this point in 2012? Very progressive Bahamas (no intention at all!)...This is disappointing, we slaved for freedom, well we got translucently free then dumb, that's good enough I guess. Wake up my people, it should not be like this. People are HUNGRY, HOMELESS, JOBLESS and we're here posting and destroying photos of our egotistical "representatives". May 8th, hurry come.

Posted 17 April 2012, 8:31 p.m. Suggest removal

thinkingdifferent says...

Who's going to take them down AFTER election????

Posted 17 April 2012, 9:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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