Independent challenges his bamboo town rivals to debate


INDEPENDENT Bamboo Town candidate Craig Butler has challenged his opponents to a public debate to determine who is best fit to represent the constituency.

Mr Butler is running against DNA leader Branville McCartney, the PLP's Renward Wells and the FNM's Cassius Stuart for the seat. Admitting that he feels "absolutely confident" about his chances of becoming MP, Mr Butler said: "I want there to be a debate. I'm challenging. Let's get this debate on. Let the people make their own decisions as to who is best to represent Bamboo Town. I think it's me, so let's talk about the issues."

He said there were a number of problems affecting the constituency ranging from flooding and a lack of street lights to a need for increased police presence. His opponents were unaware of these challenges, he said.

"Unfortunately Mr Stuart and Mr Wells are seeking to ride the coat tails of the Right Honourable Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and the Right Honourable Perry Christie.

"They're not voicing anything and I'm saying that they really don't know what's going on in here.

"Let's debate, let's see who really knows what's going on up in Bamboo Town. Let's see who's best suited to deal with the issues and represent the people."

Mr Butler's campaign has been a "long journey", he said, including a constituency switch from the eliminated Kennedy.

"The boundaries changed so there is a section I didn't get to work as much due to the shift but we've been concentrating and trying to get that done," he said.

Mr Butler said he now has a "massive amount of territory" that needs to be covered with "quite a diverse" constituency.

His constituents range from the working class to "what's left of our Bahamian middle class," he said.

"Over the course of the next 18 days, it's all about retracing the ground that you've already covered, ensuring that your support remains steady and steadfast, and trying to make inroads into quite a large amount of people who are still undecided at this state."

The independent candidate admitted that running against major political parties does present a challenge, but Mr Butler believes he has a good chance at winning.

"The difference that I'm experiencing is such that I don't have the accommodation that the others (independents) had.

"When the independents have normally won in the past, one of the major political organisations had not bothered to run.

"I'm not lucky enough to have that accommodation. I am having to face all of them. Everybody's in this race which makes this a four-man race," he said.

"Be that as it may, because I've been in here and because I have been working consistently and for an extended period of time, my chances are heightening, greatly enhanced and I'm confident.

"I'm not trying in any which way to diminish the fight that I have. I'm challenging my opponents at every opportunity to let them know that this is about the issues and we need to discuss the issues."


C_MonMan says...

Well Bran that sounds like a challenge to me. Bran wanted a debate and it now appears that he has at least one taker. As the incumbent MP, he should step up and debate Mr. Butler on issues relating to Bamboo Town before asking for a debate from PC or HAI.

Posted 19 April 2012, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

RightIsRight says...

Step up Bran. In fact all every constitunecy should hold their own debate.

Posted 19 April 2012, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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