Officers accused of $32,000 theft


Tribune Staff Reporter

TWO Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers have denied stealing $32,000 worth of machinery from their agency's base.

Kevin Seymour, 49, and Darren Deveaux, 44, appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell charged with stealing four propellers worth $32,346.42, the property of the force.

Both men pleaded not guilty to a charge of theft, alleged to have taken place between December 29 last year and January 6, 2012 at the force's Coral Harbour base.

Their attorneys, Geoffrey Farquharson and Ricardo Grey, asked the magistrate for bail on behalf of their clients.

They said neither Seymour nor Deveaux had any previous brushes with the law and were both gainfully deployed as defence force officers.

No objections were made and the Court 8 magistrate granted the pair $10,000 bail with two suretors and told them they had to sign in at the nearest police station to their homes every Saturday before 6pm.

The case was adjourned to October 25 and 26 when the men are due to appear for trial.

They were remanded into custody until their suretors were sorted out.

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