VIDEO: PM: Are PLP supporters really holograms?

PRIME Minister Hubert Ingraham last night revealed that he has received reports that the PLP is utilising "holograms" to increase the number of supporters that appear at their rallies.

Addressing his parties' supporters in North Andros last evening, Mr Ingraham said that the PLP is reportedly "unhappy" with the size of some of the crowds attending their rallies and gatherings.

"There is the possibility that they are filling in the blank spaces with holograms. A hologram, as you may know, is a three-dimensional image that uses patterns of light to produce life-like images that are in fact illusions. I have received complaints to this effect at PLP events.

"It may be the case that they are not only busing in people to their rallies. They may also be inflating the size of their rallies by using images from past PLP rallies. There are indications that the PLP's foreign consultants are experts in the use of such hologram imaging," he said.

Pointing to a recent ABC News report on "Good Morning America", Mr Ingraham told the crowd of FNM supporters that the deceased rap artist Tupac Shakur was seen performing live on stage during a rap concert with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog.

"This may have been an example of the use of the technology I'm telling you about. Reports indicate that the so-called "live" videos of PLP rallies are not in fact representative of what is taking place.

"Two individuals advise that they recently saw themselves in attendance at PLP rallies which they did not attend, though they acknowledge having attended PLP rallies a few years ago. One told her story on ZNS News.

"Two other complaints have been made by relatives of two deceased individuals who have supposedly been seen on television attending this year's PLP rallies as well. In one case a person appearing as if 'live' at a rally, departed this life three years ago. We are investigating," he said.



mynameis says...

LOL! Jokes don't end during "silly" season! LOL! As long as they don't hologram Sir Lynden...let that man rest in peace. He has run his race and his finished his course.

Posted 24 April 2012, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

GFerguson says...

So this why when people say after you do something stupid, "you gatta be from Andros". Only there you could make a speech like that in hopes that people believe what is being said

Posted 24 April 2012, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

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