'It's not a hologram, it's just a delusion'


Tribune Staff Reporter


FRANK Smith, PLP candidate for Montagu, yesterday called Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham "delusional" for accusing the PLP of using holograms to increase the number of supporters at their rallies.

While addressing FNM supporters in North Andros Monday night Mr Ingraham said there is a possibility that the PLP is filling in blank spaces at their rallies with holograms.

Mr Smith laughed off the suggestion and said the Prime Minister is "obviously in denial" of the support the PLP is receiving.

"When you look at some of the constituency openings that the FNM has had and we have had, you can see that our crowds are bigger and we have filled bigger spaces. So now the FNM is saying 'that can't be the case, there has got to be something wrong with this, there is no way the PLP could have all those crowds coming out.' But I was to the rallies and huge amounts of people are coming out. I think that the FNM is finding it unthinkable, unbelievable to see a crowd that size," he said.

"They are in denial, the FNM is in denial at this point. It is amazing that Mr Ingraham would go on with this nonsensical sort of easy to disprove foolishness. He is delusional. It is hard to believe he believes that. I guess when the X's go on the ballots they will be hologram X's too and when it's time to vote there will be hologram people voting."

Mr Smith also denied reports that the PLP is replaying tapes of old rallies from past elections.

He said: "The PLP does not own a radio station or television station. The PLP does not have a news broadcast station. The tapes, the footage all that stuff is the property of the news reporters. We don't play it and they play live from the rallies. So unless these reporters are the same age and look the same way and have the same style it just ain't be done. Then you have to go and doctor every single shirt because the shirts have the different designs. That's a lot of work."

Mr Smith said the FNM is scared because the crowd size demonstrates the support the people have and it conveys the public's excitement for the PLP.


Philosopher_King says...

Seriously ?, this is what the mindless wish to discuss when we have so many pressing issues such as crime, the economy, the wholesale sellout of our country and decimation of the Middle and Working classes. If anyone chooses to give any serious thought to this rubbish you deserve the inept self-serving FNM/PLP governments you get every 5 years. Shame on The Dear Maximum Leader to waste precious time on this subject as a rouse to deflect from the issue, stop pandering to the base nature of individuals. For once PLPs and FNMs try and elevate the Bahamian peoples political debate, no wonder why so many of us hunger for alternative options.

Posted 26 April 2012, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

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