PM accuses PLP of being copycats


Tribune Freeport Reporter

FREEPORT - Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is accusing the PLP of "copycatting" and taking ideas from the FNM's manifesto, particularly as it relates to their plans for national security.

Two weeks ago, the FNM released its manifesto on the web outlining its plans for the country for the next five years.

Mr Ingraham said the PLP's just released election platform contains very similar ideas on the matter of national defence.

The FNM, he said, is very serious about national defence and better securing the country from threats of drug and gun trafficking, mass illegal migration and poaching.

Mr Ingraham said Mr Christie is a "copycat leader". The PLP leader, he said, not only followed the FNM to North Eleuthera, but also advised residents on his plan for the Defence Force.

"His cut-and-paste plan is basically to copycat what appears in our Manifesto. Then to hide what he was doing he juggled the numbers a bit to try and fool people into believing that they actually have a plan," he said.

"He has spent this campaign playing follow the Leader. So, he's followed me up and down the country. I announced a rally in Freeport; he follows, on the same night. Same city; ditto Rock Sound, Eleuthera. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays are established FNM rally nights; we book in advance radio and TV time for them."

The Prime Minister said the FNM's decision to transform the Royal Bahamas Defence Force was done with great deliberation. He described it as "the largest, boldest, and most wide-scale boost of the force in its history."

A group of eight former and serving Defence Force Commanders and Captains were appointed to advise the government on what was required in terms of vessels and manpower.

The group, chaired by Captain Steven Russell, director of NEMA, also reviewed previous recommendations and reports.

Sr Commander Albert Armbrister; Commander Patrick McNeil - current Director of the Port of Nassau; Captain Harvey Sweeting, retired and now in the private sector; Commander Adrian Chriswell; Lt Commander Warren Bail; and Commander Samuel Bain were among the group appointed in 2010. A recommendation was made to the Government in 2011.

"The group provided advice on the correct number of vessels and the manpower levels required for the force to adequately fulfil its mandate to patrol our waters and to enforce our laws with respect to fisheries, illegal entry and trade. This includes preventing the poaching of marine resources and guarding against drug, human and fire arm smuggling," Mr Ingraham said.

The Prime Minister said they looked at the fleet and made recommendations for the acquisition of additional vessels, and looked at the present size of the Force.

Recommendation with regard to the optimal number of enlisted men for the adequate manning of vessels and the provision of administrative support were also made.

Mr Ingraham stated that the numbers were arrived at taking into account retirements, resignations, deaths, and the need to replace those numbers.

"As we replace marines who leave the Force, the engagement of new marines may exceed the number of "new" marines joining the force as indicated in our manifesto. But, it will not alter the total number of marines on the Force," he said.

The FNM's plan is to take the present Force from 1,164 to 1,400 men, requiring a recruitment of 235 additional personnel.

Prime Minister Ingraham said they looked at cost implications to determine what expenditure was necessary in each Budget year in terms of capital and recurrent expenditure.

"In this way, we determined how we could achieve our goals over a number of years incrementally increasing both vessels and manpower and incrementally improving pay and terms of conditions of service for Defence Force officers and indeed, for Police Officers," he said.

Mr Ingraham indicated that the FNM has also decided to create a Defence Force Reserve.

He also noted that of the three reputable ship builders: Austral (Australia) Emgeprom (Brazil) and Damen (the Netherlands) which submitted proposals, the decision was made to proceed with Damen.

Mr Ingraham said that the Leader of the Opposition and his party never bought a single vessel in five years in office.

"The Leader of the Opposition and his party who had only bought a single aircraft completely unsuitable for patrol exercises, and not a single vessel during their five years in office now comes along and says he will buy one more ship than the FNM.

"He also now says that he will engage some 100 more marines to what we propose," Mr Ingraham said.

Mr Ingraham stressed that the Defence Force is a serious military outfit that requires real leadership. He said it is not a toy for toy soldiers.

"The Defence Force needs a prime minister who is prepared to lead, and not a waffler, who is at best a Follower-in-Chief or a Copycat-in-Chief," he said.

Mr Ingraham stated that there is no way that any serious person believes that the same Perry Christie who left the post of Commodore of the RBDF vacant for four years now has serious plans for the very same force.

He said when it comes to tough decisions on national security, weakness and waffling will not cut it.

Mr Ingraham highlighted more deficiencies of Mr Christie's leadership.

He said it took a week for Mr Christie to name an Attorney General; almost 10 days to finish naming his cabinet; almost a year to finish appointing government boards; four years to name a Defence Force Commodore, forever to release a manifesto; and never delivered National Health Insurance, a Sports Stadium, a Straw Market, and a new LPIA.

Mr Ingraham said he wants Bahamians to now believe that he will be different and deliver in 100 days what he didn't deliver in 1,825 days.

The prime minister said that over a year ago he announced there would be a referendum on the question of a lottery and internet gambling.

He said the PLP has again followed the FNM's lead.


Philosopher_King says...

Whoa !!! The Dear Maximum Leader merely completed a plethora of PLP initiated projects and went around spending like a drunken sailor from the public coffers and now claims the Slow Hand Perry as copying. Although I believe Slow Hand may over deliberate, but he does have a few innovative ideas once he gets out of committee listening to all sides. On the other hand The Dear Maximum Leader's one man band if left unchecked will ultimately leave the bulk of us disenfranchised and regretting the day we allowed this de facto dictator to run amuck in the treasury doing his financial benefactors bidding.
I pray this time around if given another chance, the young cadre of intelligent and dynamic candidates Slow Hand Perry has been some how able to entice to line-up behind him hold his feet to the fire or fire him and Bradley if they fall back in to their bad habits. We all know The Dear Maximum Leaders minions won't be able to propose any innovative ideas or challenge him on any issue of national importance where he has gotten his marching orders from foreign interest or the local wealthy merchant class.

Posted 26 April 2012, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

pablojay says...

The mere fact that you feel your "new cadre of intelligent and dynamic candidates" may have to hold his feet to the fire or fire him, shows your lack of confidence in your leader.The only thing you like about him is that he is PLP. If you have a mind to ,you should check out the FNM candidates,new and not so new; they are awesome! As for Mr. Ingraham if you read the article in this Tribune concerning the Defence Force he consulted with past and present members as to the way forward with the Force .So contrary to your beliefs, he consults but he takes maximum responsibility for his decisions and works at his maximum to achieve maximum results for his people. I hope you and your fellow PLP members watched last night's rally to really see what the Late Great PLP Maximum Leader thought of Mr. Ingraham.

Posted 27 April 2012, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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