BTVI dismiss claims of irregularities as 'mischief'


Tribune Staff Reporter

CLAIMS of “irregularities” at the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, including allegations of $10,000 in missing cash, have been dismissed by BTVI officials as “mischief”.

In a statement released yesterday, well known FNM supporter Ivoine Ingraham said Bahamians need to know of “questionable events” that have allegedly occurred at the school and he called on school officials to “clear the air”.

“Should the Bahamian people know about the irregularities that occur in any establishment where the Bahamian taxpayers have interest? I think so,” he said.

“We should automatically know as soon as it happens. The honourable thing to do is to come clean so there is no doubt that all is above board. This would eliminate any questions or any wrong conclusions.”

Mr Ingraham said there is a perception that some in the BTVI management team are “ill suited” to be in charge.

He said he’s had no response to his inquires.

“Is there an investigation on the building of the perimeter fencing and if a staff was involved in the transaction? Has an investigation been done? The public should know how much the contract was and who benefited,” he said.

“I also asked if management decided to sweep under the proverbial carpet the allegations of the instructor who (was) allowed to personally collected tuition fees from the students to the tune of $16,000.”

Mr Ingraham claimed the funds were collected off campus and questioned if the instructor involved is related to a “top PLP”.

“Finally is there an investigation of the missing $10,000 that literally ‘walked out’ of the accounting department, being monies collected from the registration of students? Was there an investigation and who was charged?” he asked.

“The Bahamian people need to know why so many questionable events happen at BTVI under the present management and nothing reported to the powers that be, which are the Bahamian people.”

However, when reached for comment BTVI manager Iva Dahl said she had “no idea” about any of the allegations.

“No clue,” she said. “It sounds like somebody is up to mischief. That’s all that sounds like to me.”

The fencing has been up for around five years, Ms Dahl said, and the Ministry of Works is usually responsible for such contracts.

She added she’s never heard about the allegations of $16,000 being collected from students off campus by an instructor.

As for the “missing” $10,000 she said: “Really? Well they know more than me.”

“I know we had a robbery, but I don’t know if it was to that tune, and the auditors came in so I don’t know what they’re talking about,” Ms Dahl said.

“Somebody’s trying to stir up something. That’s the impressions I’m getting from these old stories that I don’t know anything about.”

Mr Ingraham revealed last month he was released from BTVI after receiving a letter stating that his “contract will not be renewed”.

Mr Ingraham, who had been employed at BTVI since 2007, said his release from the school seemed politically motivated.


Mayaguana34 says...

Come on man - you must know how this looks? Even if it is or was true, to speak up after your dismissal makes you and the allegation less than credible. Your voice should have been heard while you were there and these crimes where being committed. I support the idea that you may have been victimized and fired because of affiliation but you gain nothing from unsubstantiated allegations after the fact..

Posted 8 August 2012, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

lucaya says...

I agree 100% with you,why now since being dismissed,you are also playing politics,you really need to come clean,any supportive documents of your alleged corruption should now be handed over to the police for investigation,otherwise keep quite with gossips,it's a sin on your head.

Posted 8 August 2012, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

leeza says...

I agree its too little too late should of spoken up earlier people woulsd of seen it differently but its like a ploy to get even

Posted 8 August 2012, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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