Accusations of victimisation over changes


Tribune News Editor

SEVERAL familiar faces are about to disappear from the nightly news in a move ZNS bosses call an effort to “beef up” coverage, but which insiders condemn as a case of blatant political victimisation.

According to sources within the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas, as many as six senior journalists – including prominent personalities Clint Watson and Shenique Miller, as well as news director Beverly Curry – have been reassigned to make way for new personnel.

One insider said: “No matter what they claim, they are targeting people perceived to be FNMs. In the case of Clint and Shenique, it’s just because they covered the FNM rallies. I’ve heard managers tell them, ‘You gonna get what’s coming to you. We will deal with you.’”

Another source said: “Isn’t it ironic that everyone removed had been assigned to cover that campaign? It’s just too obvious.”

What’s more, the insiders say, many persons now being considered for senior newsroom positions worked on or openly supported the PLP election campaign.

Reportedly among the candidates are Julian Reid and Andrew J Burrows.

And despite the official line of a need for “fresh faces”, the new-look ZNS could reportedly also feature recycled PLP supporters who left ZNS years before – including two former employees who applied for and collected severance packages offered by the Ingraham administration in 2010.

Those to be removed from the newsroom, in addition to Mr Watson, Ms Miller and Ms Curry, are reporters Carla Palmer and Syann Thompson, and news producer Vaughn Albury.

The Tribune was unable to contact the journalists, but understand they were issued letters explaining the changes yesterday. Beverley Curry was contacted, but declined to comment.

Senior managers, including general manager Edwin Lightbourn, deputy general manager Kayleaser Deveaux-Isaacs and newly-appointed chairman Rev Dr William Thompson, could not be reached for comment.

However, another manager defended the corporation’s position on condition of anonymity.

“We are losing ground in the market to the private channels, so what we are trying to beef up our news coverage.

“At the same time, we used to do more local programming and it is something we want to re-establish, so we are moving those key people into that area,” said the manager.

In response, one insider asked: “How can you beef up coverage by reassigning your strongest people – especially when you don’t yet have any replacements?

“Even now, they are running ads for new staff. They gave the reporters reassignment letters effective Monday, but then asked them to stay on until their replacements could be found. How can they pretend it’s not political?”

And, when one ZNS boss was contacted for comment, an employee could be heard in the background shouting: “Ask them why they didn’t do no story when the FNM fired 90 people!”

It is unclear what the reporters’ new responsibilities will be, but it is believed Beverley Curry has been sent to the Research Department – a section The Tribune understands was first created to house her as its only staffer when the PLP won office in 2002, and which has lain dormant since.

Earlier this month, the Free National Movement announced its backing for a class action lawsuit against the PLP over claims of victimisation of their supporters throughout the civil service.

Party leader Dr Hubert Minnis urged all Bahamians who believe they are victims of wrongful termination to bring evidence to the FNM’s headquarters on Mackey Street for inclusion in the suit.

The move came after several alleged victimisation cases, including the termination of Princess Margaret Hospital administrator Coralee Adderley, several Urban Renewal workers who claim they were prematurely let go and several cases throughout the Family Islands, Dr Minnis said.

While none of the ZNS reporters are being terminated or subjected to pay cuts, insiders feel they have effectively been demoted, which may have a negative affect on the their careers in the future.


shortpants says...

This is why our country so messed up right now and going backwards instead of forward just because we have a bunch of vindictive people running our country.Hubert was moving this country forward but we believe in Bahamians are going to take us back to stone age in a minute .The PLP are the worst thing for this country always was and will always be .We have too many leaders not one .We will be sorry for voting these bunch of clowns back in to run our country .The PLP will never change their ways sorry bunch of losers .

Posted 17 August 2012, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

arnette says...

the PLP leader is wrong if he is letting people go because they are FNM that is so wrong remember the people put yall in the house and they could take yall out,am so disappointed by the PLP leaders,Grand bahama need God.

Posted 17 August 2012, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Just ask anyone who works at BTC what is happening there since the PLP took office.
It is difficult to understand how this type of behaviour can be so blatant. It is not just the PLP it is the Bahamian political way and will keep the Bahamas back for as long as patronage is accepted.

Posted 17 August 2012, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

Take a look at what's happening at BEC...the staff there are on pins and needles!! People to this day are afraid they'll lose their job because they attended FNM rallies!! That's just INSANE.

Posted 17 August 2012, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

RyJaLew says...

I am sorry but this is unacceptable, this country will never, and I mean never without a shadow of a doubt be able to develop if you have people who cannot see past the yellow, red, and green of these mediocre parties. Until we Bahamians start to do what is right for ourselves without any political motives behind our actions, nothing will change, and the black crab syndrome will take over. If you have a skilled professionals who can do a job, why fire them or "reassign" them.? Just because they dont support the party at the time? How can we ever get the best people in the positions if we keep doing this crap man. And then people ask why the youth dont want to return to The Bahamas, because all we can see is a nation riddled with issues that have been reoccurring for years! Make the change Bahamas or you will loose out on any successful professional thinking about returning!

Posted 17 August 2012, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

You're so right, I wanted to move back home recently but I notice how petty politics still is in the Bahamas after the FNM had a grand opening for the stadium and didn't had the decency to invite Debbie Ferguson because they say she serve another party, so judge what is going to happen if the FNM wins in 2017 and then the foolish PLP supporters is going to forget what happen this year.

Posted 17 August 2012, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

The PLP were not strangers to us when we voted them into office on May 7 you know. The Bahamian people knew exactly who these people were and what they were about, and they still went ahead and put them in office. It was their right to do so, but they as voters also need to credit themselves with playing a key role in the rapid regression of their country through that choice they made.

Posted 17 August 2012, 3:12 p.m. Suggest removal

ShawnC says...

Am convince that the FNM followers are losing their mind by saying Clint Watson and Shenique Miller was victimize but I thought you have to be fired to be victimized... Have their pay been decreased? or only were only transferred to a different area... By 2017 the FNM will Have NO VOTES!

Posted 17 August 2012, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Get_it_Right says...

If the FNM wanted to get rid of victimization, they were the government for 15 of the past 20 years. They had ample time to amend the law since 1992, especially since, as people say, this is the PLP way.
Why didn't they? Because they know that the way things are suit their purpose just as well. Now they're crying foul?
And sadly, many people continue to fall for it, as the comments show.
Both parties victimize in one way or another.
It's Bahamian politics. Stop acting as if this is one sided or new.

Posted 17 August 2012, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

RyJaLew says...

I totally agree, with things like this it is always a double-sided issue, we Bahamians need to stand up for what will benefit the people and not the party.

Posted 17 August 2012, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I started to say something about it again but it seems like most Bahamian only remember certain things so that is the only reason why they act like this is breaking news in the Bahamas after a new party takes office.

Posted 17 August 2012, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Well, they always do this, don't they? They always take over the radio stations in vain effort to control the debate and shut down opposing viewpoints. In the old days, when a few newspapers and radio and tv stations delivered news and opinion, this old commie tactic worked somewhat well but not reliably because truth has an uncanny habit of trumping lies.

But today, with everybody on the Net? This sort of hamfisted censorship is not only futile, it sends a clear signal that someone has something to hide, and is trying in vain to conceal it.

Ironically, a group of us were discussing this very topic yesterday, that although the old 60s regime may have returned by means of its usual gags, it's hands are tied as today with the Net, everyone's watching and and exposing truth.

It's a new era, but leftists stick to their old eighteenth century tricks lifted from mr. marx's little socialist playbook.

Posted 17 August 2012, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Some of you need to learn to adhere to the truth, cause all you had to have been doing on 2012 General Elections night as the red shirts regime was starting to crumble from the results flowing in from the polling stations was to see how reluctant the ZNS team was going about reporting the defeat of the "Original" Hubert A's regime. To say that they were visibly showing great pain would be an understatement of the greatest magnitude.

Under the red shirts ZNS not only experienced the greatest mass firings in their long history but it deteriorated from worse to worser.…

Posted 18 August 2012, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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