Taxi drivers speak out in parking row


Tribune Staff Reporter

SEVERAL taxi drivers, angered by the growing concern among downtown Nassau proprietors, could not understand how designated parking spots for taxis could adversely affect business.

Three drivers who called The Tribune, said taxis are making a major contribution to the downtown economy and deserve parking of their own. Only one of the drivers would identify himself, the others insisted on anonymity, fearing police victimisation.

Cheryl Wells, a driver for the last 20 years said: “All these people who don’t want us to have the spaces are the same ones who want us to bring the tourists from the airport, to their stores. If we weren’t doing that, then these businesses could not boast of their current success.

“For a long time, police have also been very hard on the drivers. We can’t even stop for a minute to drop people off, that’s an $80 ticket from police. It’s so hard to cater to our tourists having to work under those kinds of conditions. The police on Bay Street are like a pack of wolves waiting to pounce on any taxi driver they see.”

Another anonymous taxi owner said: “We need the spaces, and we should have them. Things would run smoother for not only us, but for downtown. I believe that they just don’t want us down there at all, that is why people have a problem with us having spots down there.

“We are important to downtown. Perhaps we should consider taking the tourists elsewhere.”

Discussions of a reintroduction of designated parking to Bay Street was once again sparked when Transport and Aviation Minister Glenys Hanna Martin announced in the House of Assembly, two weeks ago, that the change would be coming.

Bahamas Taxi Cab Union President Leon Griffin on Monday said towing should be reintroduced at the same time.

That system, he said, would be complemented by the debut of parking meters which would set a 30 minute maximum for motorists.

“Parking meters to that area is an excellent avenue for the government to take,” Mr Griffin said. “Under the licensing act, parking on Bay should only be allowed for 30 minutes, but the police have not been enforcing that law and people have been taking advantage of that.

“Parking meters on Bay Street would force the downtown business owners to find places for their employees to park their cars, creating spots for locals,” he said.

He added that the union is elated that the government is moving forward with efforts to enforce designated parking for taxi cab drivers who have for several years been hassled by police officers for trivial matters.


dramsey says...

While i agree there should be designated spots for some taxis, the whole trasportation industry needs to be overhauled as compared to what i see in other tourist destinations in our region our system is one of the worst from a perception point of view, dirty unkept vehicles, no proper identification of vehicles that distinguishes them from private vehicles, drivers appearance is least to be desired and the manner in which they deal with tourist and locals needs improvements through training.

Posted 22 August 2012, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

realisticly i think those old hard mouth, sloppy dress ,old broken down car, got their plate through who knows who taxi drivers should be put out to pasture ...half of um just look nasty ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and biggityness drips off ther face ..get some new young blood with a little bit of class

Posted 22 August 2012, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

So what if you bring the tourist DownTown. I'm sure you got paid so you benefited just as well as the DownTown merchants so why the heck you think you deserve special parking. The only thing needs to be regulated is drop off and pick up points and for the rest of DownTown install the parking meters. DownTown on the whole was not erected to accommodate vehicle parking of todays average vehicle size, so yes, install parking meters which would assist in the limited parking areas being manage more efficiently and assign drop off and pick up points especially for those delivery trucks whom double park in the streets at times.

Posted 23 August 2012, 12:50 a.m. Suggest removal

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