Tackling stray dog problem


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Bahamas Humane Society believes the newly-launched Operation Potcake will help control and improve the quality of life for the 20,000 stray dogs in New Providence.

The completely free, 10-day spay and neuter programme will see volunteers from across the world collaborate with local organisations and veterinarians to sterilise 2,000 stray and owned cats and dogs.

The initiative will be followed by a five year campaign to offer affordable spay and neuter procedures for owned pets.

While the exact number is not known, BHS president Kim Aranha believes there are between 14,000 and 20,000 stray dogs on New Providence.

Spaying and neutering is the only way to effectively control and reduce the unwanted canine and feline population on the island, she said.

The cats and dogs will be sterilised in large numbers so that the populations are unable to reproduce at the current rate, and start to decline naturally.

The animals will also be treated for internal and external parasites and vaccinated against disease. The goal is a healthy population of cats and dogs who cannot reproduce.

In a press statement Mrs Aranha said: “As a way of bettering our Potcake population, a spay and neuter programme for under privileged animals has long been a dream of mine.

“I am so grateful that at last our groups have joined forces for this very important, environment changing programme.”

The benefits of the programme will be widespread, said Mrs Aranha, including a reduction in the incidence of disease among the pet population, fewer unwanted and suffering puppies and kittens, fewer overturned garbage bins, and a better environment for visitors – who often complain about the suffering and treatment of local animals.

Every animal protection organisation on New Providence, including the Bahamas Humane Society, the Bahamas Veterinary Association, the Bahamas Ministry of Agriculture, BAARK, Stray Busters, ARK, Proud Paws and Pink Potcakes, have joined forces to organise the campaign, in conjunction with Animal Balance, an international NGO which assists islands with humane animal management strategy.

The campaign will begin on Thursday, January 10 and end Monday, January 21, 2013.

The five priorities are: Fox Hill, Kemp Road, East Street, Carmichael Road and several areas in western New Providence.

Persons who wish to bring in animals to be spayed or neutered can either drop them to a clinic in their area or contact Operation Potcake to have the animal picked up.

Additionally, the Veterinary Medical Association of the Bahamas (VMBA) has pledged to sterilise 60 animals a week at a cost of $50 per animal, which totals 3,000 animals per year.

The public is encouraged to get involved by volunteering their time, supplies or making a donation during the 10 days of Operation Potcake. For further information visit www.operationpotcake.com or email: potcake2013@gmail.com.


With 87 kittens, 60 adult dogs and countless puppies currently at the Bahamas Humane Society shelter, BHS president Kim Aranha encouraged people to adopt these ‘amazing’ animals and stop ‘selling potcakes short’.

She said: “Nothing would make us happier at the Humane Society than to have every single adoption cage empty.

“There is a perception that runs quite rampant in our country that potcakes are not real dogs. Potcakes are actually the most amazing animals because over the years they have really been bred by the rules of survival of the fittest, so they are very strong animals, the are sturdy against disease because they are born with the antibodies, whereas when we import all these fancy pedigree dogs into the country, they are not born with the resistance.”

Potcakes are highly intelligent, loyal and make very good guard dogs, Mrs Aranha added.


leonardo85 says...

This spay and neuter program would certainly be a big boon for the stray dogs. Those who are planning on buying a pet, they should consider adopting an animal from these shelters. If you love traveling with pets in the car then you should consider keeping the animals safe by installing metal pet travel barrier, these products are available at <a href="http://doggiegoride.com/">http://doggiegoride.com/</a>.

Posted 22 June 2015, 4:18 a.m. Suggest removal

karina says...

For stray dogs this spay and neuter program is simply excellent, other communities too should launch such programs. However, if you love animals then you should adopt a pet from your local animal shelter. If you often have to leave town frequently leaving your pet alone then you should contact a <a href="http://www.pawprintinn.com/index.html">luxury dog boarding</a> or cat boarding facility.

Posted 13 August 2015, 4:14 a.m. Suggest removal

isabella says...

Stray dogs and other animals need such help and care. So more organizations should initiate programs like this in future. These animals should also be taken to a <a href="http://www.cookevet.com/services/">veterinarian in Chesapeake VA</a> for proper treatment.

Posted 1 September 2015, 6:13 a.m. Suggest removal

karina says...

Thanks to such programs these animals will finally be able to survive. However, those who have pet they have to take good care of it. There are good vet centers available which offer wide range of treatment facilities including <a href="http://piaffe-performance.com/our-servi…">equine veterinary care</a>.

Posted 18 February 2016, 7:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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