Armed robbery crimewave alert


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE wave of armed robberies across New Providence continues to spiral out of control as almost two dozen attacks were recorded in the month of August.

Police have reported at least 22 robberies, according to The Tribune’s records for the month. 

Two weeks ago, after eight armed robberies were reported in a single weekend, police officials admitted that robberies had become a problem, but that measures would be taken to curb them.

Supt Stephen Dean at the time said that a greater police presence would be seen in various communities to help combat the crime. He added that the police would also educate the public in safeguarding themselves against attacks. The media has not been notified of that initiative to date. 

Authorities could not be reached for comment.

While officials have insisted that the number of illegal firearms taken from the street has increased through stronger community ties made possible by Urban

Renewal 2.0, all of the victims reported to police that they were held up by suspects with firearms. One of those attacks resulted in shooting a man dead for his gold chain.

Authorities are now requesting the public’s assistance in tracking down the persons responsible for three of the latest incidents.

Police said a man was robbed of his grey 1995 Honda Civic by three men who approached him with a handgun at a business establishment on Tonique Williams-Darling Highway. Authorities did not give the name of the establishment.  

The attack happened shortly after 2 o’clock Thursday morning.

Another armed robbery occurred two hours earlier when a man who was in the area of Wulff and Marathon Roads was approached by two men who held him up with a firearm and stole his 1999 red Honda Coupe.

A man was also robbed by two men of cash and jewellery on Wednesday night, police said. The attack happened at around 8.30pm. Police said one of the male suspects was wearing a white T-shirt and the other a red T-shirt. They both wore long black trousers.

The other reported incidents include four armed robberies on Wednesday, August 8, two attacks on Thursday, August 16, three robberies on Friday, August 17. Two Chinese were also held up at Scotia Bank’s West Bay Street branch on Monday, August 20.

Police are investigating each case.


proudloudandfnm says...

But hey BJ Nottage says crime is down!!

Posted 31 August 2012, 11:10 a.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Don't worry this is just urban crime. Nothing to worry about...

Posted 31 August 2012, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Not to politicise a serious problem we have in this country, but when the PLP won the young, criminal minded thugs were hollerin out ' dis we time nah'. Despite putting police in schools and the Urban renewal project2 young people believe the PLP is soft on crime and even softer on criminals. Hence the armed robberies have exploded and many are carried out with violence...

A three strike law needs to be implemented where if a person is charged and found guilty of three criminal acts involving violence he gets life in parole
Also a law that was successful in reducing the Florida armed robbery rate:
If you do a crimearmed with a weapon you get an automatic 5 year prison sentence.
If you discharge the weapon while carrying out a crime, you get an automatic 10 years in jail
if you injure someone 15 years to life
and if you kill someone the death penalty...serious ting..serious times

Posted 31 August 2012, 11:36 p.m. Suggest removal

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