FNM chairman: Government putting Bahamian professionals last


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE government is “putting Bahamian professionals last” in meeting with mobile phone service operator Digicel concerning their interest in entering the country’s mobile phone market, according to the FNM.

Prime Minister Perry Christie had said Tuesday the government is not satisfied with the level of service from Cable and Wireless and “had a number of conversations” with Digicel with regards to doing business in the Bahamas.

In a statement released last night, FNM Chairman Darron Cash said: “It is abundantly clear that the PLP government has put Digicel first and Bahamian entrepreneurs and professionals last. As this government courts Digicel with kisses and roses and secret meetings, Bahamian professionals want to know from Prime Minister Christie, where is the love?”

The PLP was elected, in part, because they “did an effective job in demonising the FNM” by convincing Bahamians that the PLP believed in Bahamians and the FNM did not, Mr Cash explained.

“Having successfully tricked people into believing that bald-faced lie, the PLP as the government wasted no time in demonstrating that the campaign slogan was indeed empty and gratuitous,” he said.

“The engagement of foreign consultants by the new government became the order of the day from day one. This was followed in quick succession by the most perverse and extensive assault on Bahamian professionals that we have seen since the darkest days of the Pindling era.

“From the National Insurance Board, to the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, the Mortgage Corporation to the Bahamas Development Bank, every professional was put on notice – ‘your professional credentials and experience could not possibly have put you here, only your scarlet (hidden) letters, FNM, so you have got to go. It is just a matter of time.’”

The PLP’s campaign suggested that Bahamian interests were to own and operate BTC in its entirety, Mr Cash said, thus Bahamian interests ought to be able to own and operate “the next elements of telecom that break free from Cable and Wireless’ heretofore disappointing monopoly grip.”

Mr Christie’s comments also suggested that he discussed ideas on how the country “can benefit from the presence of a new entrant” with Digicel, Mr Cash claimed.

“This is astounding for a ‘Bahamians-first’ Prime Minister,” he said.

“There is no mistaking the reality that when it comes to expansion of telecommunications in the Bahamas it is Digicel first. They now clearly have a leg up on everyone else. And we are all left to wonder whether Prime Minister Christie has met with any group of Bahamian investors to share his ideas about the sector.”


spoitier says...

I'm a little bored so here is a story I wrote that probably has a lot of truth to it.

Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie was sitting under the domino tree in Nassau playing head up dominoes and talking about which one of them pull of the best story to the Bahamian public. Ingraham being the bully and most outspoken of the two start of the story telling by talking about the time when he told the public that he would make it law that a PM could only hold office for two terms and then retire for a little after loosing, only to come back and screw Tommy T. After he finish both men started laughing (hehehehe). Christie said to Ingraham I know you and I still don’t trust you further than I can throw you and I can’t even lift you with your fat behind, I ain finish yet Perry wait to see what I get for the good ole Doctor(hehehehe). Then Christie start talking about how he told the Bahamian people about how he is going to fixed the economy, provide jobs within the first seven months and provide mortgage relieve to them if they vote me in power, they both start laughing again, then Ingraham said that aint funny Perry, I think you took that one over board with that story. Christie replied and say the buzzard calling the crow black and started laughing again with Ingraham. Ingraham said you musse the buzzard in this scenario (hehehehe). A short while later Branville McCartney walk by and ask if he could play and what are you two laughing so hard about? Christie replied to him and said keep on walking because you don’t have the DNA make up to join this kind of conversation (heheheheeh).

Posted 6 December 2012, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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