No charges over traffic fatalities


Tribune Staff Reporter

POLICE will not be pressing charges in any of the traffic fatalities that occurred over the weekend, Officer in Charge of the Traffic Division Ken Strachan said yesterday.

Supt Strachan said police are still in the initial stages of the investigations and at this point have opted not to charge anyone.

On Friday two teenage girls lost their lives in two separate accidents.

Around 4.45pm, 13-year-old Denisha Barr as hit by a car as she was attempting to cross the Tonique Williams Darling Highway.

She was pronounced dead at the scene. A six year old boy who was walking with her is in a serious but stable condition in hospital.

A few hours later, around 10pm, 19-year-old Wedina Barr was crushed to death after a garbage truck crashed into her wooden home.



positiveinput says...

We as parents and guardians, lets take the time out and give our kids foundation rules in crossing the street. Besides the highways that many of our young citizens need to cross during their travel to and from school, etc, many of the newly constructed roads now have double lanes per bound. Gaurdians, remind them (our young children) to always use a perdestrian crossing no matter how further a distance they have to walk to get to one. As for the government, how hard would it be to place a (pedestrian) light at each 'p' crossing on a dual carriage way. This lights function would be to flash for a period of seconds to alert motorist that a perdestrian is on the crosswalk. Note, this is not a regular traffic stop light, just a single light that can be activated by a perdestrian to flash for a period of seconds to alert motorist that a person is crossing.

Posted 10 December 2012, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

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