Police officers' trial due to start


Tribune Staff Reporter


TWO police officers charged in connection with the death of a father-of-six will stand trial tomorrow morning in Supreme Court.

Cpl Donovan Gardiner and Constable Tavares Bowleg, who were arraigned on manslaughter charges in the Supreme Court in June 2008 and are on bail, appeared before Justice Vera Watkins yesterday to see a nine-member jury selected.

Desmond Key, 28, died in hospital on January 19, 2008, from injuries alleged to have been suffered during a beating at the Grove Police Station on June 17, 2007.

Jury selection lasted until noon and prosecutor Linda Evans sought an adjournment. Defence attorneys Wayne Munroe and Ian Cargill did not object.

Justice Vera Watkins reminded the jury of their oath, despite the fact that no evidence has yet been given.

The matter resumes tomorrow at 11.30am in the Ansbacher Courtroom, Bank Lane.

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