THE Bahamas Union of Teachers congratulated its president Belinda Wilson on her appointment to the Commonwealth Teachers' Group steering committee.

Mrs Wilson, pictured, will serve on the nine-member committee comprised of trade unionists from the UK, India, Belgium, South Africa, Canada and the Caribbean.

This committee is responsible for planning the Teachers' Forum at the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers, where ministers of education from 54 countries will meet to discuss issues of mutual concern in August, 2012.

The objectives of the CCEM are to raise the level of understanding among ministers and senior officials concerning critical issues in education; and to provide a forum to discuss these issues and share best practices.

The conference also aims to secure the commitment of ministers on specific actions identified during the CCEM.

The Teachers' Forum is one of the four events that will run parallel during the conference, the others being the Youth Forum, the Stakeholders Forum and the Post Secondary/Higher Education Leaders' Forum.

Mrs Wilson said she is looking forward to serving on this committee.

Her expectations are high as she looks forward to the participation of a full Bahamian delegation from the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education, the Ministry of Youth, trade unions, the College of the Bahamas and stakeholders from both the local private and public sector.

Mrs Wilson will attend her first meeting in London this month.

A statement issued by her union yesterday said: "The executive officers and 4,000 members congratulate her and wish her every success. They are assured that she will make the Bahamas proud."

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