'Why are we only speaking out about crime now?'

BAHAMAS Against Crime executive director Rev CB Moss yesterday asked why in the wake of a spree of home invasions and rapes, Bahamians are only now speaking out about crime.

Hinting that the heightened concern was caused by the fact that many of the incidents took place in more affluent neighbourhoods, Rev Moss called on every member of society to become involved in the fight against crime.

"As a result of a recent spate of violent crime," he said, "especially the rape of a number of women after their homes were burglarised, there is now a loud outcry against crime from many persons in our society, including members of the establishment.

"While Bahamas Against Crime applauds this new awareness and willingness to speak out, we question why just now? Is it only because of where the crimes have occurred? BAC extends sympathy to all victims of crime and their families and calls upon all stakeholders to become more engaged in the fight."

Last week, sustained criticism led Commissioner Ellison Greenslade to defend the police's failure to notify the public sooner about the spate of attacks in east and west New Providence.

He said given the sensitivity of such investigations, police must be allowed to do their job without interference.

Mr Greenslade said protecting victims and their families and ensuring the integrity of investigations are the police's main priorities - both of which could be compromised if too much information is released.

He said: "We are a professional organisation, we are very well trained in the business that we do, we have to be allowed to do our work without interference. I can't have everyone telling us what we should and should not do.

"You have to also understand on the other side of this discussion are innocent victims and their families whose identities must be protected and whose locations must be protected and who I do not wish to be repeat victims as a result of negligence on my part or my organisation in saying too much."

Earlier this week, FNM deputy leader Loretta Butler-Turner blasted the government's silence on the spike in reported rape cases.

She noted that although the exact number of incidents or the rate of incidence is not known, press reports suggest there appears to be an "alarming increase" in the number of rapes in New Providence.

But measures were taken to inform those perceived to be most at risk, Mr Greenslade said. "There are some things we just don't broadcast at the wrong time, remember we are trying to detect and arrest these perpetrators," he said, "why would I give them the information to allow them to be even more elusive?"

The police force is very concerned and disturbed by the recent reports made over the last few months regarding rapes and other unlawful sexual crimes. Mr Greenslade said the police recognise that there are some people, in particular males, "who do not understand the word 'no' or the word 'disrespect'."


JohnBrown says...

Unfortunately, since it seem as though Bahamians are only ready to respond with some political will towards eradicating violent crime from our country when they are forced to helplessly watch violent crime being directed against those that are supposedly politically empowered or the untouchables, because their affluent shit don't stink, then maybe more criminals need to give more attention to such special interest groups if indeed it stimulates meaningful hell, fire and brimstone religious, social and political forces into action that's beneficial to the entire Bahamian society; We have got to shock, rock and awaken the dead, deaf and dumb politician, who have hoodwinked the elite in our society into to believing in a false sense of security, now evaporating, for they have disillusioned themselves into believing it won't happen to them and theirs again. Well, I ask you, will history repeat itself because of complacent educated fool like my upper class members of our Bahamian society?

Now back to you Rev., I believe that both you and Professor Greenslade - with all the excuses and answers - would benefit for ten strokes with the cat o’ nine tail each, after you suits have been removed, so that you can receive the full weight of the holly Ghost through those hooks and straps. Then and only then will you all be zealously energized into removing the criminals from within you church, your police force and your secret order political brethren and our society. Pain is a great motivator. (Do just like Jesus did, he kicked butts out of God's temple)

`Evil must first consume all the evil within itself.
Next evil must itself must fall at the very moment when it has consumed all good, for it is in that moment when it has consumed all good that pure good is. Because evil has then absolutely consumed all of the energy to which it owed its duration.´

God keep you strong!

Posted 2 July 2012, 5:26 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...


`Evil must first consume all the evil within itself.
Next evil itself must fall at the very moment when it has consumed all good, for it is in that moment when it has consumed all good that pure good is. Because evil has then absolutely consumed all of the energy to which it owed its duration.´

Posted 2 July 2012, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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