Man called rape suspect wants his name cleared


Tribune Staff Reporter

A FATHER of two is seeking vindication after police named him as a rape suspect.

Enoch “Pumpkin” Eulin yesterday called for police to clear his name in connection with a string of rapes, burglaries and armed robberies in Eastern and Western New Providence.

Recounting the public humiliation faced by him and his loved ones, Mr Eulin is calling for greater sensitivity from the police when posting wanted bulletins. As a father of two girls, Mr Eulin expressed his deepest sympathy to all rape victims.

The 31-year-old Excellence Estates resident said he was released with no charges after he turned himself in to police, and was held in police custody for six days.

He wants the police to affirm his innocence to the public.

They interviewed me, threatened to kill me, tried to cause me kill myself (sic),” Mr Eulin said.

“Punch me up. kick me up, asking me [questions]. They interrogated me and after they got their people, they eased up off me.

“After the fact, they find out I’m not the person and they release me, Commissioner Greenslade still hasn’t come on TV and clear up my name to the public and let them know this was the wrong man.

He added: “I don’t want an apology, I just want to clear my name because what you give the world you can’t take back. I don’t need an apology.

Mr Eulin’s wanted bulletin flooded online social networks such as FaceBook and BlackBerry messenger last week Wednesday, according to his girlfriend Delshae Miller, who said that the police could have sent out a notice on Tuesday saying that Mr Eulin was in custody.

However, police say wanted bulletins for Mr Eulin and Donavan Sturrup, 28, alias “Tinman,” were posted last week Tuesday, and that the 31-year-old would have heard a radio broadcast or seen his picture on the evening television news.

Inspector Chrislyn Skippings, press liaison, said: “The bulletin would have been posted in the afternoon, so the news stations would have carried it on their afternoon and evening broadcasts. We would not have done something like that.”

Insp Skippings added that it is police protocol to issue a notice once a wanted person has been arrested, and noted that in some cases, persons are released pending further investigation. Last night, it was not clear whether or not Mr Eulin was still under investigation.

Yesterday, Mr Eulin and Ms Miller maintained that the bulletin was posted after he was already in police custody.

“It really upset me,” Ms Miller, 27, said.

“I know he’s not that type of person. He has two daughters. He’s not perfect. He’s been locked up before for his wrongs, but I’ve never seen him raise his hand to a woman. As much as I’ve made him mad, I’ve never seen him talk bad to a woman. This really upset me.”

She added: “He has two daughters and it’s a shame on the Royal Bahamas Police Force, they are not a team. If I turn in myself today, they could put it out over the radio. When we asked [the police] about it they said it was already in the system.

“How could it already be in the system and you don’t know whether or not he did this? I don’t understand that.”

Ms Miller added: “What about the family members of these victims? What if they were crazy, and one of them tried to kill (Eulin) or hurt his family? Commissioner Greenslade needs to get his team together.”


JohnBrown says...

In America, (and we are third or fourth class citizens off that big mess) if the police unlawfully arrest you they give you a stupid piece of paper which you can carry around as a souvenir of your affiliation with a pack of killer or thugs in your back pocket until they decide to pick you up again. You become a target. That paper would simply says that you have not been arrested before. They never apologize for nothing. I once had the good pleasure of seeing what type of quality soldier their police men really were. And believe me outside the pack, they are for the most part weak, infantile pieces of scum with a badge and a gun. In a certain low income apartment building where many students lived - living within their means – there lived a known big time drug dealer, who supported the families of countless police officers on his payroll. Well, while frequenting that building because of a love relationship with another student and tenant, we were able to witness once a young ambitious officer totally out of his league on 29 street S.E. in a patrol car by himself go up to the drug dealers pad by himself, with gun drawn. The next thing we heard was that office radio crying out for help and crackling with static because he had lost his gun. He was screaming and begging like a sissy for his life because he has three children to take care off. He cried and begged and pleaded like a the true dethroned wimp and was willing to give up anything even his rear end so as to stay alive when under the hammer of his own gun and the low lifers that had him cornered and at their disposal in that apartment. We heard it all. About ten minutes later about fifty police with a battering ram tore down the door and rescued that officer…who was a big disgrace. He was not man enough to take the bullets like the strong man he had purported to be.

The only way you would get an apology or at the very least have you name cleared would be by have Mr Greenslade and a few of his secret order brother locked in a compromising position where they really wants to face the truth and have it taped and broadcasted over radio and T.V., so as to clear your name, son. What happens after that, on a 21 by 7 mile platform is all up to you for the answer is blowing in the wind. Since you have trafficked with them before, you will never live that down, and you will always be the first person accused and the one they will seek to kill with justification. They will plant drugs or weapons on you as proof, if anything goes wrong. N.B. They finally got rid of Rodney King. Yes he is pushing up sand with the big question still on going, `Why can’t we all just get along?´ Nevertheless, the truth is that when the ticker tocker stops its all over but the shouting. And it ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun.

Posted 4 July 2012, 2:19 p.m. Suggest removal

thetruth says...

mr greenslade like to do stuff like this just like with the night club shooting he put stephen die stubbs name all ova the news only to charge him with a 2009 crime and neva came on to say he apologize and they caught the culprits do ya job rbpf you,ll are lousy when it comes to finding ya criminals you,ll just is pick up people who had running in with the law and charge people

Posted 4 July 2012, 8:02 p.m. Suggest removal

nationbuilder says...

Just as they were wrong for hiding the rapes, the Force was so wrong to have had these men in custody for the rapes, released them from custody with no charges, but didn't say a word to the public so the public could know they were not the guys - once again more concerned about their (the Force's) image than about doing what is right as a law enforcement body. Well guys, since it's image you are so concerned about, you need a reality check, because when you posted the bulletins then announced the following day that the men had turned themselves in, pretty much NO ONE believed that the guys were the real culprits, which means most people automatically felt the Force was lying to the country. That certainly does not bode well for the RBPF.

Posted 5 July 2012, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

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