St Peter's Patronal Festival

CELEBRATING their patronal festival, the faithful flock at St Peter’s Anglican Church in Simms Long Island welcomed back Father Chester Burton, after a month’s long hiatus.

His wife Coral Patrice Burton suffered a short illness and had to be hospitalized in United States of America.

Last Friday members gathered at the feast day of St Peter, Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ for a special service.

In Father Burton’s sermon he took his text from Jesus’ word and said: “Feed my sheep.”

He spoke to the congregation about one of the traits of Peter’s life, saying they all should all adopt is Peter’s persistence. Father Burton said Peter in his life exhibited the quality of all good Christians; reminding members that Peter was the first at Caesarea Philippi to declare Jesus as the Son of God.

Jesus declared that flesh and blood had not revealed this to him and upon this rock, he would build his Church and he gave Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Father Burton commented that Peter is very deliberate in his attempt to seek a greater understanding of Jesus and the way to God the Father.

He was the disciple who went to Jesus and walked on water but lost focus and began to sink. Father Burton said because of Peter’s persistence, he was forgiven for his denial of Jesus and in the first half of the Acts of the Apostle Luke details Peter’s work.

Father Burton went on to highlight that Peter was the spokesman on the Day of Pentecost when three thousand people were baptized and secondly, Peter was the spokesman who allowed the man who begged alms at Gate Beautiful to the healed.

He admonished the congregation to be consistent and persistent in their prayer life. Father Burton reminded members of the words from the epistle 2 Timothy 4:1- 8, which states “ be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage.” He thanked the droves of people for their prayers during his wife’s illness.


spencerid says...

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Posted 18 January 2013, 6:41 a.m.

negruvoda says...

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Posted 4 February 2013, 2:51 a.m.

Butterfly says...

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Posted 28 August 2013, 5:02 a.m.

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