FNM hits out


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis has blasted the government for ousting one of the country’s top medical authorities in what he called a case of “overt victimisation”.

Warning that the termination of Chief Hospital Administrator Coralie Adderley harkens back to the darkest days of the former Pindling administration, Dr Minnis said Bahamians do not want to return to a political culture of discrimination and intimidation.

He said: “When they start with the professional group, the question must be asked: ‘Where will they stop?’

“We have gone through this before in the 70s and 80s – we do not want to go back there to overt victimisation.

“I ask the health professionals to stand firm and do not allow any type of suppression,” Dr Minnis said, noting that Mrs Adderley is one of the most senior

hospital administrators in the country, and has worked in the Princess Margaret Hospital for the last 11 years. She is the only board certified hospital administrator in the public system, he said.

“She has never had a problem with two previous governments – the PLP nor the FNM. Her record has been outstanding in terms of her performance; there is nothing negative about it, she is well versed with the expansion of the hospital and where exactly we are going,” Dr Minnis said.

“She is intimately involved with health care integration throughout the Bahamas.”

According to the FNM leader, Mrs Adderley was called by the Public Hospitals Authority on Thursday and informed that the government wanted to terminate her despite there being 18 months left on her contract.

“They only want to pay her one month compensation termination effective immediately,” Dr Minnis said.

“They have nothing on her record to show she has done anything wrong, she is a Bahamian and they are talking about we believe in Bahamians.”

According to the FNM, the government decided to take action against Mrs Adderley following a “conflict” between the administrator and a senior government official. “Therefore, one must ask if this has any affect on what is going on.

“The government is also pressuring other health care physicians to resign and try and remove them from their posts – this is overt victimisation,” Dr Minnis said.

Calls to Mrs Adderley and Minister of Health Dr Perry Gomez seeking comment were not returned before press time.


TalRussell says...

When PM Christie dumps someone it's called “overt victimization”.But when his former law partner the "Original" Hubert A, did it ...and often...well, the red shirts media friends called it "Hubert don't mess around?"

Maybe we will know if he is really going to resign on July 19, or again he really doesn't mean what he promised his Cooper's Town constituents?



Posted 16 July 2012, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

VS says...


What you are failing to acknowledge is the fact that "overt victimization" is wrong, no matter who is doing it! This applies to both the FNM AND the PLP (and anyone else for that matter). At the end of the day, the Bahamian people are the ones who will suffer. These politicians 'crease up' in the House of Assembly, with their hundred-thousand-dollar-a-year cheques tucked away in their coats and pockets, laughing at ALL of us!

Posted 16 July 2012, 2:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade VS good luck if you're aligning the PLP or the red shirts as some kind of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

It's neither right or wrong.It's the way the political game has and will always be played. And....when you get appointed to any government position by the shirts in power, you didn't holler then, so don't be hollering when your services get terminated.

Comrade even the shirts of the day get their chance to be pushed through the revolving doors.
Comrade VS do you think the "original" Hubert A, will officially step down on July 19? Even he must be sitting under he sea-grape tree up in Cooper's Town and laughing at his leadership replacement.


Posted 16 July 2012, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

haitianboy says...

That’s why I for one was never one of those individuals who go about before, during and after elections advertising who my political affiliations are. I’m not foolish enough to do such a thing, on Election Day I simply go to the polls and mark my X for my candidate of choice. Look what’s happen to the woman who worked at ZNS, urban renewal workers and now this lady. This is nothing new; victimization has been going on under both political parties for as long as I can remember. It’s just the corrupt human nature to favor those who possess the same ideals and vision that they do and oppose the ones who don’t. Here in the Bahamas we cannot agree to disagree; we love those who love us and dislike those who don’t.

Posted 16 July 2012, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal

maryann says...


Posted 17 July 2012, 11:18 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

at least when you do it put in place people that are qualified ..i mean how many B Bethells ,Ron Pinder ,Leslie Millers are the people expected to bear ....

Posted 16 July 2012, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

I fear total anarchy if the PLP believe they can live in the past. The Bahamian electorate are suffering and will not put up with their political posturing and games. God help us all if they have been disingenuous and their hearts are not pure.

Posted 18 July 2012, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

hopeful says...

Maryann you're comment is rather offensive and adds NOTHING to the debate. Obviously the author "haitianboy" has citizenship and has the right to vote and live here. Kindly do the Christian thing and "Live and let live". PEACE.

Posted 18 July 2012, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

good post !!!!

Posted 18 July 2012, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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