Elderly woman thanks PLP for home repairs

By Rashad Rolle

WORKERS began renovating the home of an elderly woman yesterday as part of the government’s Urban Renewal programme.

The occupant of the home, Ivy Davis, has been living in the house for more than 20 years. She says life has been tough since her husband died four years ago.

“The Urban Renewal project is doing wonderful,” she said, adding that in addition to having diabetes, she has a “bad leg” – physical ailments which have compounded problems such as robbery which she frequently had to deal with.

“They break into my house about four or five times,” she said. “One night, I lied down and thought I heard a rat. When I came out, a man was here, he came through the window. Now, I don’t have water to flush my toilet. They stole my water pump, my gas tank, they chop off my water pipe.

“The house in a bad condition. Only me one live here.”

This isn’t the first time the government has helped Ms Davis.

She said: “About five years ago, my party, PLP gold rush, fixed my house before they got out of power because the house was rotten.

“One drug boy smoke coke in the building and nearly burned down my house. I was hollering.”

Ms Davis says she is grateful to the PLP, after claiming to have been a victim of “victimisation” during the FNM’s term in office.

“When some people came to fix some people house, I went to them and they said they coming here, but because I PLP they didn’t bother to come to my house,” she said.

“They was supposed to come and had my name written down. I come to understand the head woman was FNM and it is she who say they ain’t coming here.

“I praise God for my Prime Minister when I saw Urban Renewal came here this morning. I love my Prime Minister. To him, I say ‘You have a soft heart’.”

Barely able to contain her excitement, Ms Davis sang a chant about the PLP: “Oh my PLP, oh my PLP, oh yeah, oh yeah, PLP all the way, oh yeah, oh yeah.”


242 says...

lol dis a real interview or a SNL spoof? lol! will muddo "oh my plp oh yeh oh yeh oh yeh"

Posted 17 July 2012, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 17 July 2012, 4:27 p.m.

242 says...

must be the latter .... she sayin he was just in the house smokin so she jyst let all this happen. "oh my plp oh yeah yeah"

Posted 17 July 2012, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

if the plp fix the house last time they were in office why woukd the fnm get ib and go right back to fix her house and how it get run down again so quick and how is it her turn again?

Posted 17 July 2012, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you know a house run down quick ,when all kinda people running in and out smokin coke ,,,oh yeah my plp

Posted 17 July 2012, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

so it's a crack house lol they say they gettin rid of all the drug houses..... Mum know she dealin

Posted 17 July 2012, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

What a wonderful gift. Sadly, we do not live forever. I hope that Ms. Davis leaves/wills this house and land to the Urban Renewal Commission for those less fortunate than herself who are in need of temporary shelter.

Posted 17 July 2012, 1:05 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

When you can show me a thousand older persons that this URC has aided from a humanitarian perspective, irrespective of whatever political affiliations they might have, then I will proudly say that we have made some progress as a nation towards some semblance of maturity sufficiently so as to act our age at near 40.

The tribune should be ashamed to seemingly kiss up to the PLP party by printing something as inconsequential as the above piece of text. If you can't do the research and provide at least 50 elders to unanimously substantiate such wonderful treatment and benefit from URC, then put your mouth under the cushion in your chair and sit on it, Buster. Or fire your boss if you've got the GUTS.

The big difference between me and most Bahamians elders is that I shall never kiss ass up until my moment of passing, but steadfastly kick ass.

Posted 17 July 2012, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

This is one of the most bias piece i've ever saw and both parties need to change that foolishness and take care of all the elderly and not just their own. It is one thing when you are hiring people only that vote for you, but it is another when you a discriminating against the elderly base on affiliation.

Posted 17 July 2012, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we as people have alot of ways ,but i don,t know that many of us that stink .do you really think a goverment employee with an old ladys house to fix up ,and the old lady said her name was on the list ,would say no you ain no fnm , and this house needs redoing every 5 yrs .??.its a good thing the gov ,did for her !!!,but i think if the fnm gave this women 5000 cash she would say they trying to kill her as she spent it ..

Posted 17 July 2012, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I think the FNM would do it to a PLP and I also think the PLP would do it to a FNM, that is the point i'm trying to make that each party would only take care of his own. If the PLP had a person who voted FNM do this interview, then that would've made me change my stance a little, not a lot because you said that you live on a outer island and i'm not saying that you don't know what is really going on in Nassau in Freeport because I believe you traveled to those city, but the outer island people have better hospitality than the bigger cities, I'm from one of the bigger cities and have been to other islands and the people genarally are nicer and probably wouldn't leave this woman house just because of party affiliation.

Posted 18 July 2012, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

Ii lived in nassau for 40 yrs ,it is a good thing they fixed up her house ,i just don,t find her credible . i am fnm but i say when they do wrong in my opinion and i say when i think the plp do right .i think if the PLP took every cent out of the central bank tomorrow and flew themselves and the money to brazil ,this lady would blame it on the fnm and say the plp took the money to protect it .. just my opinion

Posted 18 July 2012, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

wondering says...

Money to repair homes so quickly after election, but I still can't get my approved Jumpstart programme grant funded. Okay.

Posted 17 July 2012, 7:35 p.m. Suggest removal

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