‘Disgrace’ over Ingraham farewell


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM chairman Charles Maynard called it “disgraceful” that former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham will not have the opportunity to officially say goodbye to the Bahamian people in the House of Assembly.

Mr Maynard said Mr Ingraham dedicated most have his life to politics and it is only fitting that he be allowed a special sitting of the House to make his final remarks.

“If the PLP is using this as pay-back of some sort for Cynthia Mother Pratt it is disgraceful. He is just not an ordinary man in the House. He had been a member of the HOA for 35 years and served as Prime Minister for 15 years.

“He should get the same due that Sir Lynden got. I think they should not try to compare that with anyone else who may not have gotten the chance to give their official good-byes at the end of the last Parliamentary session.

“It is not the same thing, it’s comparing apples with oranges,” he said.

Mr Maynard admitted that he is not sure whether the former Prime Minister put in an official request for a special sitting, but said he should be afforded one anyway.

He said: “What I do know is that Mr Ingraham made his intentions very clear that July 19 was the day he wanted to present his resignation and when they suspended the House last they suspended it to July 25 and so to me if they wanted to accommodate him they would suspend it to the 19th and then allow him to say, no he didn’t want to make a final address. They could have suspended it to the 19th easily.

“I was privy to discussions that were done when it was Sir Lynden’s time because I was the vice chairman of the PLP at the time, and Sir Lynden didn’t officially request it.

“It was a discussion that  actually took place between Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham at the time believe it or not.  In the same vein, Perry Christie, who negotiated on behalf of Sir Lynden should have made sure that similar arrangements were made for Hubert Ingraham when his time came.”

Mr Ingraham is expected to resign officially today by tendering a letter of resignation to House Speaker Kendal Major.

This scenario is in stark contrast to former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling’s resignation, which came during a House session held for that sole purpose.

Mr Ingraham represented North Abaco for more than two decades. He choose to resign on July 19, the date and month on which he was first sworn in as a member of Parliament in 1977.

The House is not expected to meet until July 25.


TalRussell says...

Comrade Chairman "Five Piece Fried Chicken" Charlie what was PM Christie to do when he turns on he TV and there is his former law partner, the "original" of the two Hubert A's, so angry that his red shirts were kicked from the high seats of power in our Bahamaland, that he told all the natives on "live" TV that he would "not" be ever again taking his seat in the House.

Comrade here's is Hubert talking he own words with he own lips moving, not mine and certainly not the lips of his former "trusted" law partner PM Chrisitie?

Now, I challenge Comrade "Five Piece Fried Chicken" Charlie, also rejected at the polls on Decision Day 2012, to come forward to produce a clip of PM Pindling being pissed off at the natives, threatening never, ever take he House seat again?

Comrade are you suggesting that PM Christie should never have taken his former law partner at his word?


Posted 19 July 2012, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Mr. Maynard needs to get a life. Every minute he's in the paper running on with some nonsense. Mr. Ingraham should have learned 'to do unto others' in a decent manner. Whether it was the lowliest memeber of the house or the most esteemed there needs to be a level of respect. He didn't extend Mrs. Pratt and even some members of his own party the courtesy of sayinf farewell. So how could he expect the same? Mr. Ingraham set the tone in that chamber for rudeness and insults for years. So he should not feel any displeasure at not having the opportunity to say goodbye.

I'm of the opinion that he doesn't necessarily care anyway. So Mr. Maynard needs to stop brown nosing and pretending to be loyal. Its always the fanatics in these parties who can't see clearly. We have them in the PLP too so we can't get on any high horse. The fact is Mr. Ingraham never appears to show any genuine humility. The party was left in a shambles and true FNMs need to get serious and get rid of these jokers running the party. Will the real FNMs please stand up! Dr.Minnis is a nice guy but he's no politician and he certainly doesn't appear to be in command of the FNM. Anyhow, this is a matter for the FNM. But it was this same Charlie Maynard who was butting into PLP business and throwing jeers. So lets see what you can do to resurrect the FNM.

Posted 20 July 2012, 5:39 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

You're right on track with this Bril.

Posted 20 July 2012, 6:08 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

PLPs are scotch records they all chant the same thing repeatedly (Once PC or Davis says it, it is gospel) Kind of sounds like "4 legs good 2 legs baa aaa aaaad". DNA actually have their own opinions but a confused one at times....

Posted 20 July 2012, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

TJay says...

Papa has already said goodbye to the people of Abaco and he said goodbye to the country yesterday. He doesn't care to go into the house, however he was not a Mrs. Pratt or Mr. Russell he is the Former PM not just a regular MP and he ought to of had the right to speak to the country. Put all this political foolery aside and respect the man he may not of been perfect but the same could be said for Pindling but yet every chance the PLP get they want something else named after him or something else done in his honor. Hubert was and still is a great leader and should be honored for doing this country a great deal of good.

Posted 20 July 2012, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

bigdee says...

i think our former prime minster did his time and he need to bow out gracefully but knowing him he will not lets gave the government time to do their job to many big time FNM was living high of the hog so let them feel what am feeling to put gas in their car rember how life is you never know what future holds

Posted 20 July 2012, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

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