House speaker: I was once a 'turkey'


HOUSE Speaker Kendal Major encouraged more than 150 students at a summer camp session yesterday to “fly high”, realise their potential and put God first in their lives.

During the session, held at S C McPherson Junior High School, the students sang songs such as “Lean on Me”.

The student band – conducted by members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force – played music to introduce Mr Major.

The Speaker said: “This is a summer programme put on by the Garden Hills community and my team. We wanted to have a programme in conjunction with the police summer programme.

“The summer camp is designed with youths in mind. The activities are wholesome and such that the parents are comfortable with them.”

Speaking about his roles as MP and Speaker, Mr Major said: “I wasn’t born with most of those things that came. Those things came from a place where I sat in chairs just like you. I was born just like you. I was somewhat mischievous as a little boy. I ran into trouble from time to time. There’s no shame in getting into trouble if you learn the lessons.

“When you get into trouble you are supposed to learn the lessons so you wouldn’t get into trouble again.”

Using anecdotes, Mr Major encouraged the children to soar high like an eagle, not fly low like a turkey.

“If you had the choice to become any bird in the world, which bird would you choose?” he asked them.

“You cannot fly like an eagle if you run with turkeys. Are you an eagle or a turkey?

“Eagles are majestic birds. It’s a predator and predators looks for its prey. They are visionaries. They don’t hang with turkeys because turkeys fly low and eagles fly high.”

The students were told that they didn’t need to be defined by their failures or current shortcomings.

“I was once a turkey too,” he told them. “But something stirred in me telling me you are better than that. I’m here to tell you today that you have the potential.

“I grew up poor but I grew up with hope that I could be somebody. You were born to make a difference.

He added: “My desire as Speaker is to have you watch Parliament to understand civics and how the government is run.”


JohnBrown says...

A Zebra ( turkey) never loses its stripes no matter what happens. Why did you not give each of those children $150.- towards their studies, uniform cost, or even simply give them food vouchers to give to their parents as a token of your good will towards their transformation into becoming a super turkey like yourself? Why have you not personally sought to make sure that each of those children's parents are secure within some permanent employment positions, so as to ensure continued support for those young official negroes, which you were trying to inspire? Again I say you young big lipped is cheap.. The time for platitudes was over from when our church bells rung on July 10 1973 and now its Tsunami time, so everybody get flat. Chuckle, chuckle...This notice includes all official turkeys too.

Keep this in mind. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King once was a 33rd degree Mason, who had the GUTS AND THE HONESTY TO DO AND SAY THE FOLLOWING: “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” Furthermore, Dr King proceeded to take of his Masonic rings and throw them away outside the widow of Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, after he emphatically stated that that secret order was not of God. Check the records young man and I expect you to act accordingly next time you conduct yourself around any of my beloved young Bahamians, as you seek out more publicity. Make sure you use deeds and not symbols and words next time.

Posted 20 July 2012, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i,m not plp ,but so far i am impressed w/ Mr Major ...

Posted 20 July 2012, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

A Zebra ( turkey) never loses its stripes no matter what happens. Why did you not give each of those children $150.- towards their studies, uniform cost, or even simply give them food vouchers to give to their parents as a token of your good will towards their transformation into becoming a super turkey like yourself? Why have you not personally sought to make sure that each of those children's parents are secure within some permanent employment positions, so as to ensure continued support for those young official negroes, which you were trying to inspire? Again I say you young big lipped is cheap.. The time for platitudes was over from when our church bells rung on July 10 1973 and now its Tsunami time, so everybody get flat. Chuckle, chuckle...This notice includes all official turkeys too.

Keep this in mind. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King once was a 33rd degree Mason, who had the GUTS AND THE HONESTY TO DO AND SAY THE FOLLOWING: “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.” Furthermore, Dr King proceeded to take of his Masonic rings and throw them away outside the window of Ebenezer Baptist church in Atlanta, Georgia, after he emphatically stated that that secret order was not of God. Check the records young man and I expect you to act accordingly next time you conduct yourself around any of my beloved young Bahamians, as you seek out more publicity. Make sure you use deeds and not symbols and words next time.

Posted 20 July 2012, 4:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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