Former PM 'denied address opportunity' in House

Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham walked out of the House of Assembly after he said he had been denied the opportunity to address the nation in a farewell speech as agreed by the FNM and the Speaker of the House.

FNM supporters were outraged with one saying, "I feel it's the height of disrespect."

Mr Ingraham was followed out of the chamber by a number of his former Cabinet Ministers and Parliamentarians. It is unsure if he will enter the chamber again today to address the nation.

The House of Assembly is continuing to sit at this hour.


kennyknowles says...

I don't yet know or understand the details, but i find it unconcionable to justify the denial of a former PM his right to address the nation he once served. I am a strong proponent of our current government, but and even stronger supporter of liberty and what's right.

Posted 25 July 2012, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

I am listening and waiting for further clarity.
(a) Reneging of agreement between the Speaker or former PM
(b) Former PM's departure was premature
(c) Comparing the former PM to Sir Orville

I am keeping the words of the Honourable Ryan Pinder in mind "The people would not do anything to manipulate the system to gain an advantage."

Posted 25 July 2012, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

There are more serious issues at play.

What are we teaching the younger generation (0 to 35 years)? Our actions are not congruent with our words. We lombast our young people for their inability to negotiate, to put aside old grudges etc. Yet, when the most high profile individuals in our country have a disagreement, they descend to the similar destructive behavior.

I quote the Minister of Foreign Affairs "what goes around, comes around" One translation: A person's actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.

Perhaps, the very active Christian Counsel will chime in. Here's their prod "So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do unto you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs alluded to this passage during his brief interview on Guardian Radio.

Reverend gentlemen, what do you have to say?

Posted 25 July 2012, 12:16 p.m. Suggest removal

karma says...

The Prime Minister is only showing who he truly is and that is a petty, vindictive, coward and spineless individual. Not allowing the PM to speak will only show how jealous he is of the former Prime Ministers accomplishment. Hope when he carries our country to the bring of destruction in the next 4 years he don't go run crying to HAI!

Posted 25 July 2012, 12:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Here's what the PLP wanted: to humiliate former Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham as much as possilbe. MAKE him sit around listening to their CRAP... while jabbing, jeering, nettling, etc. at him like a child under punishment. I agree 100% with HAI.... leave with your head held high!!! Leave them to jabber amongst themselves!!!

One word for Perry: stop with the 'poor me... po' po' me' syndrome; not becoming at all and very disingenuous!

Posted 25 July 2012, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

there is nothing revolutionary about an old queen becomeing spiteful ,in the majority of cases with queens and ageing ,spitefulness is the norm ,,lol

Posted 25 July 2012, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Lala says...

PGC and his government can act in whatever manner they choose. I am so beyond their antics now that nothing they do or say comes as a surprise. History has already been written. Prime Minister Ingraham is moving off the scene and has already been recorded in history as the greatest Prime Minster this Bahamas has ever seen, whilst PGC's record as weak and indecisive will not change. You can give him ten years in the capacity he now holds and it would make no difference. Ride on into the sunset Mr. Ingraham for we will see you around and be able to speak with you one on one. Five years will pass very quickly to those of us who do not focus on this interim government!

Posted 25 July 2012, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

In a way I can maybe see why the red shirts would encourage such a long goodbye from the "Original" Hubert A, but it dumbfounds me to see how they can support his entitlement mentality.

The red shirts must be intelligent enough to realize it would be better for them put an speedy end to his political gamesmanship and give the fisherman/lawyer from Cooper's Town a golden handshake, cause not only has he left Bahamaland, and their beloved red party in shambles, he sure seems hell bent on upstaging the "New" Hubert A, before he can even have a fair crack at leadership.

The fisherman/lawyer from Cooper's Town couldn't solve Bahamaland's problems, so he'll do what he was so damn good at as PM, create new problems.

Red shirts I truly can feel your pain. It's time to muzzle this man's fanfare and self congratulation.…

Posted 25 July 2012, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

sir or mam ,i have never seen you comment much on anything but HAI ,you are pavlos dog ,throw out the name HAI you salivate .even in retirement you are worried what HAI is going to do .do you know it takes alot of energy to real hate ,do you have the fortitude and can u muster it for HAI lifetime .i can tell you what HAI is going do .the same thing he has always done ,tell it how he see its ,and not bend down to any man..

Posted 26 July 2012, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Sorry TalRussell

The PLP has the monopoly on "ENTITLEMENT" mentality as is very evident in a majority of their supporters!

Posted 25 July 2012, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Here’s what I heard during the exit interviews (during lunch break) between Darold Miller, Guardian Radio live broadcast, and the Members of Parliament.
The Hon. Leslie Miller said that the former PM should wait [for section J].
The Hon. Bernard Nottage said that the former PM should have spoken with both leaders of the house, Nottage (PLP) and Grant (FNM) to arrange for speaking at the appropriate time.
The Hon. Brave Davis said “there is still time. We haven’t reach that part of the agenda yet,”
The Hon. Obie Wilchombe said “the leaders should have met to discuss the agenda.”
The Hon. Arnold Forbes said “everything in its time.”
The other FNM MPs who were interviewed (Hanna-Martin, Gray etc.) said that the Speaker followed the rules.
Prime Minister Christie lays it all at the foot of the Speaker. In a nutshell, he told his people to behave. He said that it was agreed, with PLP leader of the House, Minister Nottage, that Mr. Ingraham can speak as long as he wish. And he advised that the members of the PLP were not to “stand in the way” because the “government had no exceptions”. Prime Minister Christie said “the Prime Minister (this is not an error) would have made his speech!”
Apparently, the Speaker, after reading the letter of resignation, studying the rules, consulting with others about prior circumstances, concluded that he would use the Sir Orville Turnquest example. It is highly unlikely that Speaker Major would be aware of Sir Orville’s resignation and how it was handled. Someone told him. Who told him?


Maynard is correct that when we compare the former DPM's request to the former PM's request we are comparing "apples and canteloupes". The difference between the “call for goodbye speech from former PM and the former deputy PM of the PLP: Mr. Ingraham intends to **resign his seat in Parliament and fronline politics**. Mrs. Pratt intended to **retire from frontline politics.**

Posted 25 July 2012, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

My interpretation of the events...this is not attributed to PM Christie.

".Apparently, the Speaker, after reading the letter of resignation, studying the rules, consulting with others about prior circumstances, concluded that he would use the Sir Orville Turnquest example. It is highly unlikely that Speaker Major would be aware of Sir Orville’s resignation and how it was handled. Someone told him. Who told him? "

Posted 25 July 2012, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

there is sharper than the spite of an old queen

Posted 25 July 2012, 7:13 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i would not sit there a let girly men and manly women throw jeers at me either .Papa you still the man ,even in regisnation you get more attention then PGC ,even though he has turned the nightly news into the PGC and dancers hour ...

Posted 25 July 2012, 7:25 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


Posted 25 July 2012, 9:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

ain't dat a mess.... wen ya' tink da PINSTRIPS bussin' out.... FOF (Full of Fluff)

Posted 26 July 2012, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

The PLP cant change their ole ways. The Speaker did what he could but the old PLP guard couldnt let Hubert have his say in prime time. They know he wouldnt wait around and they got their way.
Just another new LOWWWWWWW in our sad political life.

Posted 25 July 2012, 8:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Mayaguana34 says...

“I think.” said Mr Major, “that would’ve been a wonderful opportunity for the Bahamian people to hear from the statesman who has served his country for 40 years.

#“But I believe choosing the 19th had more to do with this being the anniversary of his appointment to Parliament, therefore it has special significance to him.

#“There is no House session on the 19th and there won’t be a House session till the 25th.”

Today is the 25th - The Speaker was aware of the issue and supported the idea - Why then not let him speak? - Even those who despised the man could have relished in the fact that this would be the last time they would hear from him. Its disgraceful and a blight on our parliamentary democracy

Posted 25 July 2012, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

This so-called new, new PLP’s house session set in motion was no surprised to me. If they could easily disregard the needs of one of their party beloved founding fathers, they could easily disrespect anyone for that matter regardless of who they are. With a straight face, the current Prime Minister blamed the clueless Speaker who then blamed the former Prime Minister for this great national dishonor. To compare two one-term former DPM’s and several MP’s to a three-term former PM’s farewell messages is unthinkable. Regardless of their parliamentary status, the Right Honorable Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas always has precedence over his parliamentary colleagues. The former Prime Minister would always be simply the best, better than all the rest and the envy PLP’s and their weak-willed leader knows it. History will reward this great man for his momentous accomplishment despite his enemies’ attempt to rewrite it.

Posted 25 July 2012, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

we gone from queen in 73 back to queen in 2012 ,only this one uses more make up and hair colour,,lmao

Posted 25 July 2012, 9:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Good for Comrade Speaker Major, cause he looked the fisherman/lawyer from Cooper's Town straight between he eyes to let him know that in no uncertain terms will he have his Kum Ba Yah in a PM Christie House. 

The really sad part is even after his resounding rejection at the polls he thinks he can still dominate the House's Agenda, the way he did under the former speaker, who bowed to his cynical ways.  

Sorry Hubert the PM Christie House is now restricted to adult conversation. Why you told Cooper's Town, not the rest of Bahamaland cause they really don't care what you do or don't do, that the House would never see your face, still you done showed up in the House twice now, and thumbs up to the Speaker who had every good reason to act like you should not even been seen in the House, much less heard from.…

Posted 26 July 2012, 12:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

u related to Fred aye? or, u IS Fred... cuz I kno' he & Shame eatin' up w/ hate, I mean HATE wen it comes to HAI.... how sad :( :(

You hurtin' yasef "Boo Boo" (as Chrissy wud say!) LOL

Posted 26 July 2012, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

mynameis says...

Anyone who believes that what happened was not orchestrated is beyond naive. PLP you get no brownie points for this...and this is coming from a person who really had no great love for the former Prime Minister and is pretty ambivalent about the present Prime Minister and their parties.

Posted 26 July 2012, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Anyone who beleive Mr Ingraham wasn't trying to stir up political trouble by leaving because he didn't speak first is naive, and by the way like he said it was expected because he would've done the same thing. Mr Ingraham would have stand up and campaign for Greg Gomez and criticize most of the things that the PLP are doing during his speech. Mr. Christie and Mr. Ingraham are good freinds so don't think that they don't know one another tactics.

Posted 26 July 2012, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said mynameis. Behind closed doors, the PLP's will admit that their party leaders committed such despicable acts but in the eyes of the general public, they look for excuses or find reasons to justify their wrongdoing.

Posted 26 July 2012, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Which is why people like "Mother Pratt" should separate Christianity & Politics... Christians must represent Jesus Christ... EVERYDAY, in EVERY situation ....

Posted 26 July 2012, 1:56 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

you the one that likes to travel w/ a gaggle of young ladys ,at least if you ga bring the bible in everthing ,live it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1,,,i guess its not sinful if its in a foriegn country ,,,,,lmao

Posted 26 July 2012, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

With all due respect, people like “Mother Pratt” cannot separate Christianity and Politics because they lack the Fear of God. Jesus said that you cannot serve His father, the Most High and mammon aka political deities at the same time but they truly believe they can.

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

,you know what i don,t even play the game no more ,i,m not biblical and don,t pretend to be ,but they do ,the bible says man shall not lay down w/ man and women shall not lay down w/ women that the big ol elephant in the room all these bible thumpers don,t see .i live on a family island i won,t go in church for fear it will burst into flames ,,i know all those grinin ,cheatin, womenizing ,man w/ man jokers in there ,and good lord don,t do business with half of those shysters

Posted 26 July 2012, 5:06 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

I love my country and its people but I love the Most High the most. Trust me, they see the huge Elephant in room and it’s beyond me how these bible-based Christians will compromise their faith, their values in the name of the Most High just to please the will of others. If the just shall live by their faith, issues like petty politics, homosexuality, corruption, gambling and others would be taboos.

Posted 27 July 2012, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

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