Fresh delay for roadworks project


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE completion date for the New Providence Infrastruture Improvement Project has been pushed back once again, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works Phillp Brave Davis said yesterday.

Last week, Mr Davis said the NPIIP would be completed by October 31. However, while making his contribution in the House of Assembly yesterday, he said the road works will continue into 2013.

Mr Davis said keeping the roads open for elections and extensive underground work have caused major delays.

“Members opposite will recall instructions to the contractor to delay scheduled works on Wulff Road and Village Road or Corridor 16 from March 31 to May 14, causing a delay of some six weeks.

Further, the contractor was instructed to ensure that all roads were open to vehicular usage for two weeks prior to the elections and one week after. These instructions, understandably, negatively impacted planned completion at the end of October,” he said.

“Some of these roads will still need a final coat of asphalt, but this final layer of paving will require short closures of not more than two days at any one time, and where possible of one side at a time permitting continued use. Kerbing, landscaping and other related contracted works will continue beyond November onto early 2013.”

Mr Davis said after the roads are completed the contractor will remain in New Providence for a year following the turnover of the roads to the government to deal with any defect or problems which develop.

To date, according to Mr Davis, 90 per cent of the contract works are completed, approximately 7.6 miles of the contracted 15.7 miles of road have been completed and 6.2 miles of the road have been paved with the first layer of asphalt.

The water main installation component of the project is over 98 per cent complete with small sections remaining to be completed on Prince Charles Drive and Wulf Road.

Mr Davis also said that the road works will impact school opening in Septemeber but only a “small section” of the public will be affected.

“A small section os Robinson Road/Prince Charles Drive at the southern part of Old Trail Intersection will be closed for paving. However, traffic in the East-West orientation will be maintained in both directions along Robinson Road Prince Charles Drive from Baillou Hill Road to Fox Hill Drive after school opening in Septemeber,” he said.

“In short when schools reopen in September 2012 it is anticipated to experience major challenges only at the Village Road road about, on Bernard and Village Road and at the south side of Old Trail Intersection where underground construction work will continue with traffic management in place.”

The projected total cost of the project is now estimated at $206 million. The Inter American Development Bank (IDB) has provided $129 million under two loans leaving a funding gap of $77 million.

The government is now in the process of seeking another loan from the IDB in the amount of $65 million with a balance of $12 million to be funded by the government.

Mr Davis said the gap in funding is largely related to fuel escalation costs, variations related to unforeseen works, re-measurement of quantities, water and sewerage work, prolongation and changes in legislation.


concernedcitizen says...

i have a plp friend that stiil goes around SHOUTING 100million over budget ,when i explain it is over budget but fuel went up and the water mains were done .then i showed him where brave said it would of be over but less under the plp he still SHOUTS 100 MILLION OVER BUDGET ,after readin this he will still shout 100 million over budget ..i think PGC an dem could tell their supporters tomorrow, we are takin every cent in the country and flying to an unknown location with it b/c some evil foriegners w/ the ancient baystreet boys want to take it from us and their supporters would sing praises thankin the plp for protecting them from evil ,wicked people ...lmao

Posted 26 July 2012, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

LOL!!!! of course what else you expect? You ain see Jim Jones at them Gold Kool-Aid rallies???

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Maybe with will have Urban 3.0 by the time this is Finished???

Posted 26 July 2012, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i used turned on plp tv and there is PGC and CMP talking bout urban renewal ,i think Mother Pratt could whup Perrys butt ,,lmao

Posted 26 July 2012, 5:46 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Just last week he said it would have gone over budget but not by that much now it delay even further than schedule under his watch. How is this even possible, without Hubert Ingraham there to single-handedly cause the delay himself. I am confused...

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

With the completion of various roads and the changing of some two way roads, I have notice that the Road Traffic Police carried out various road stops at the junction of Robinson Road and First Street. At that junction road signs have been placed instructing motorist NOT to enter Robinson Road from First Street and during these road stops, motorist were issued tickets for doing so. However just today (26/07/12) a Speed Cop in uniform, riding a government police motorbike (plate # 938) entered Robinson Road from First Street. Being an officer whom is paid by the tax payers to uphold the law, I hope some high official whom may read this comment look into this matter and make sure the officer riding bike # 938 issure himself a ticket.

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

he should give himself two tickets ,he know better ..........

Posted 26 July 2012, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Required says...

So the FNM's six week election delay is causing the PLP to not finish by October but some time in 2013 instead? That's at least nine weeks more... if I were to optimistically believe in an early January completion date. Clowns in red, clowns in yellow.

Posted 26 July 2012, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i just turned on plp tv and they were yakking bout urban renewal again ,i think if i hear the term U/R again i,m gonna get my spear and sling ,since i can,t own a hand gun ,and try and brain myself ...

Posted 26 July 2012, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

I am surprised to learn that it is only 15.7 miles. I thought it was much more then that.

Posted 26 July 2012, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

The PLP is going to prolong the Roadwork’s project for the next government (FNM) to complete because it is beyond them. They cannot implement a project of this magnitude in five years.

Posted 26 July 2012, 11:17 p.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

DPM and Minister of Works Davis please be advised, since you don't seem to know, that drivers in the east already experience 'major challenges' with morning school traffic. Work at the Village/Bernard Road roundabout could bring traffic to a standstill not only there but on the Eastern Road and Prince Charles Drive as well. I live in the east so I know what I'm talking about! Can't forget the female officer who was directing traffic at the Eastwood/Elizabeth Estates junction (April this year?) who just threw her hands up in the air and walked away. My 9th grader and I just looked at each other in shock.

Posted 26 July 2012, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

she was a plp and wanted to show how bad papa did w/ the roads ,,,now she is in a nice U/R center catchin A/C lol

Posted 27 July 2012, 9:36 a.m. Suggest removal

roter says...

“Some of these roads will still need a <a href="…">testinside HP2-K32</a> final coat of asphalt, but this final layer of paving will require short closures of not more than two days at any one time, <a href="…">testinside HP2-K33</a> and where possible of one side at a time permitting continued use. Kerbing, landscaping <a href="…">testinside HP2-Q06</a> and other related contracted works will continue beyond November onto early 2013.”

Posted 5 July 2013, 3:43 a.m. Suggest removal

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