Anger as trees cut down in name of Urban Renewal


Tribune Staff Reporter

RESPONDING to angry residents who claim unused lots in their neighbourhood have been “devastated”, Urban Renewal 2.0 officers said the lots had to be cleared to safeguard against criminal activity.

Mount Vernon, a neighbourhood off the Eastern Road, is one of many areas Urban Renewal has targeted in its on-going effort remove abandoned homes and vehicles, and clear vacant lots of trees and bushes.

One resident of the area, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that as a result, Mount Vernon is now dotted with unattractive empty lots that often fill with water after rain, giving rise to swarms of mosquitos.

“I have spoken with several residents and we all feel the same way,” he said. “Several weeks ago there were workers clearing the lots and I asked, ‘What’s going on, do you have owner’s permission?’ and they were yelling at me about Urban Renewal, quite rudely.”

He continued: “They were just completely devastating the lots. Real nice mature trees that cost thousands of dollars to replace, if you ever wanted to replace them, they were just destroying them and they kept saying ‘Urban Renewal’ and ‘It’s for your best interest, you don’t want thieves hiding in the bushes.’

“Well I can understand that, but what they should have done is sent in the smaller ones (tractors) to take out the under-brush and sent in guys with machetes instead of the complete devastation that they did.”

The resident said not only have workers completely cleared out the lots, but have also taken too much soil off the land, allowing for rainwater to pool.

“Now it’s a breeding ground for mosquitos because they’ve taken off too much soil,” he said. “They’ve taken the soil and I’m sure they’re doing something with that.”

When reached for comment about the concerns of the neighbourhood, Supt Stephen Dean explained the owners of the lots had consented to the clearing and there have been complaints of crime in the area.

“We don’t just randomly clean when we feel like,” he said. “There have been complaints about criminal activity. Whether criminals were hiding in those areas or moving through those areas – maybe after a robbery, that’s the route they went. We are just trying to remove that opportunity. That’s what has happened there.”

As for complaints about the unattractive lots left behind after the bushes are cleared, Supt Dean said: “You have a choice. You want the bushes for the criminals to hide, or you have to take them down and create a view to at least see what exists in the bushes.”

He also explained that Urban Renewal workers would not have to clear the lots if owners took it upon themselves to maintain and secure their properties.

“The owners have to maintain their property,” he said. “There is legislation enforced that owners must maintain their property. What we find is a lot of people aren’t maintaining their property – clear it down, fence it in, secure the property, keep the property.

“You should not let your property have a bunch of overgrown bushes in it. The responsibility is on the owners to maintain their property.”

Also responding to criticism that Urban Renewal workers have been clearing lots and demolishing derelict buildings without notifying the owners, Supt Dean said: “Every property that we go on, there is written confirmation from the owners.”


ladya says...

People just need time to adjust to change.

Posted 27 July 2012, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

in a couple years it will be grown back ,except for the matures trees ,what idiots ,,someone conected with the plp got heavy equipment and needs work .Supt .Dean it is time for you to take off your kahkis and put on a yellow shirt ,you have become nothing more than a mouthpiece ,singing for your supper .............

Posted 27 July 2012, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Deepdrop2 says...

Next they will be coming on occupied propertys tat have fruit trees etc and messing them up to!!

Posted 27 July 2012, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Wouldn't the Eastern Road be the same area that joggers were a norm to be attacked. If the bushes are that valuble over their life then let the bushes stay and ignore any further reports of attacks. Besides, when a persons clears out their own lots a large portion of the top soil is removed so why is it a problem when the Urban Renewal guys do likewise. I know sometime Leslie Miller do say to himself "boy Bahamians really are ..." I'm sure if any trees of value were present, just like in the road work construction, they would be probably uprooted and transplant to another useful location.

Posted 28 July 2012, 12:56 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

yes ,but why are we knocking down mature trees ,that attract rain ,and produce oxygen ,are we going to bald all of nassau cause someone might have a place to hide ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and positive we agree and agree to disagree but if you think one of those bulldozed trees are being planted anywhere else ,well and if they took my valuable trees pay me ,,,

Posted 28 July 2012, 1:17 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

You are right; it seems like Bahamians complain about anything. Talking about insects! that could be control and besidess I would perfer the insects anyday before criminals. I'm not advocating for the PLP because I hate both parties, However, murder have decrease a lot in the past month and a half, if this isn't the results of urban renewel then tell me what it is?

Posted 28 July 2012, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Their antagonists are dead. The surviving criminals have been taught a lesson, "thief from me, an ya dead". "I in charge don challenge me.".

This has nothing to do with Urban Renewal. Read up on the types of criminals, neither the law nor death deters their mission.

Posted 29 July 2012, 7:29 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

So what are you implying to be done with these so call criminals, leave them to ruin the rest of the public or just killed them lawlessly?

Posted 30 July 2012, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

So are you saying the police only do their job when their party is in? Cuz Urban Renewal was always there...why do the police need a cheesy slogan to fight crime? it's like urban renewal is batman or somethin

Posted 29 July 2012, 8:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

242, not ascribing the apparent decline to UR. The criminals have reached an equilibrium. The cull is at a stand still, for now.

Posted 29 July 2012, 8:31 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I didn't say anything about the police, I was speaking of the strategy. I said the murder rate has gone down a lot in the pass few months, so if it isn't the strategy then what is it. You could have the best in the business in any fielde but if you don't have an effective strategy failure is lurking around the corner.

Posted 30 July 2012, 10:07 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Good points from both Spoiter ad Arob.... we keep hearing about what Urban Renewal doing in certain areas but not in the areas that had the majority of the murders for the year...which is Nassau Village, Kemp Road, Pinewood....and night clubs..... It could be a combination of strategy and the fact that there is a standstill with rival gangs....Die Stubbs being held could be a factor too

Posted 30 July 2012, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

part of it is the fnm changing the law so murderers can,t get bail ...and the murder rate is running about the same ,11 per month

Posted 30 July 2012, 7:19 a.m. Suggest removal

sansoucireader says...

Mount Vernon? I thought Urban Renewal (UR) was for the Engleston/Bain & Grant's Town areas. This sounds like someone in a middle/upper middle class area who didn't want to maintain their property and got the UR crew to come in and do it for free. I wish whoever is in charge would at least consult with the Bahamas National Trust (BNT) on the best way to clear an overgrown lot without bulldozing the lot flat. You think it's hot now, keep knocking down all the trees and you'll really be feeling some heat! Saw a bulldozer last week near Sunglow Park, Colony Village off Prince Charles Drive in the east. This is the neighbouhood park maintained by ATLANTIS. I thought they were just thinning out a nearby lot but, no, all the pond grass and trees that surrounded the pond and added to the atmosphere are gone. Tree stumps. No ducks, birds or croaking frogs. Nothing. TRIBUNE, please come and have a look.

Posted 28 July 2012, 7:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Urban Renewal has an office in Fox Hill. Note, there is no clear delineation of the boundaries. However, Mt. Vernon does not fall in the categories. I would like to know WHO is pays for work outside of the UR area.

If I were the accountant for the UR Commission, I would forward the invoice to the RBPF.

Posted 29 July 2012, 7:10 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Speaking of keeping ones' own property clean, the area where I live individuals do their part in keeping their yards well kept, but the sad thing is, the nearby forest area is their dumping ground for all their tree and grass cuttings. This area was know for having a nearby forest fire that lasted for days and yet they (the residents) pointed the finger on motorist who would throw bottles out when passing by. And you would think I live in a government sub division when its the area of Coral Harbour where one would expect the nose in the air, dont know how to say good-day, people to know better. I hope those in Mount Vernon aren't like these 'good' residents and thats the reason they are so pissed with the surrounding bushes cleared.

Posted 29 July 2012, 2:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Who pays? Land owner or government?

Do not ignore the contradiction. On one hand we are told to keep the mature trees on our property (air quality/global warming) and on the other hand government agencies are conducting 100% clearing.

We do not plan, we just rush in, and when our shortfalls are pointed out, we become defensive and our response becomes irrational.

Posted 29 July 2012, 7:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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