Minister 'too busy' to give answers over baby deaths


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE story of two infant deaths at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Princess Margaret Hospital got international attention over the weekend through the Associated Press. Meantime, answers to the outbreak of the bacterium Acinetobacter Baumanii have been slow to reach the public.

When The Tribune contacted Health Minister Dr Perry Gomez at his home yesterday, he said he was too “busy” to talk, explaining that he was being disturbed on “my Sunday”.

He asked: “Ya’ll don’t go to church?”

An email sent to the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) yesterday was not replied to up to press time.

While the outbreak in the NICU occurred almost one month ago, the PHA did not inform the public through the media until last Friday. And Dr Gomez explained in an interview with another media house that he was not immediately informed of the outbreak.

In a press release issued Friday hospital representatives explained that the outbreak had been contained, but not before affecting six other infants in the NICU.

The bacterium Acinetobacter Baumanii usually affects those with compromised immune systems. The hospital said that once the outbreak was discovered, all of the babies in the unit were tested.

Dr Hubert Minnis, former Minister of Health and the leader of the Opposition, told this newspaper that he had been informed of the situation about two weeks ago and that he brought it up during the question and answer period in the House of Assembly on Wednesday.

“I asked (Minister of Health Dr Perry Gomez) to report on the situation, how many babies had died, how many were sick, what have they done to contain the infection, where are they relocating the babies to, who were in the NICU, and what they planned to do in the future to ensure that more babies don’t die,” he said.

Dr Minnis told The Big T that there was a similar incident in 1996 when it is believed nine infants may have died.

At that time, he said, the World Health Organisation was called in to investigate the matter.

“If the same hygienic protocols were followed, how could such an outbreak occur again? Did they notify the WHO this time? Did they deviate from those health procedures, someone has to answer,” he said.

Acinetobacter enters the body through open wounds, catheters, and breathing tubes. It usually infects those with compromised immune systems, such as the wounded, the elderly, children, or those with immune diseases.s

Colonisation (when the bacteria is present on or in the person, but does not cause illness) poses no threat to people not already ill, but colonised health care workers and hospital visitors can carry the bacteria into neighbouring wards and other medical facilities. The number of nonsocial infections (hospital-acquired infections) caused by A. baumannii has increased in recent years, as have most other nosocomial pathogens.

One of the reasons is that the bacteria can live up to five months on undisturbed surfaces, depending on humidity levels.


242352 says...

explaining that he was being disturbed on “my Sunday".

Did he realy say that?

That's our Sunday - the peoples Sunday, you gave up 'your Sunday' when you were elected.

I am sorry, but you are the Minister of Health and as such are to be made avaibale 24/7.

This is crazy, don't bug me on Sundays, my birthday, holidays. Is this guy for real?

The PLP only works a six day week, and I guess they can't wait for the 35 hour week as well!

Bunch of jokers....

Posted 30 July 2012, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i,m prayers for the familys ....can u imagine if this was under HAI they would be shouting he has blood on his hands ,,,talrussel wheres ur comment

Posted 30 July 2012, 7:03 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

One of the biggest problems which face our society is that of making those with whom decision making authority has been vested, accountable for their ever utterance. I don't know about you, but back in the day, when I was growing up, my mother used to give us one tea spoon of Castor oil each day, when we had a bad cold.

Now in dealing with that awfully elitist, pugnacious, reprehensible, and irresponsible comment from our most arrogant, self serving, and inconsiderate Minister of Health, who seems to have no human compassion, I believe there are two ways to give him a wake up call: he needs to be a cleaned out, so give him about a half bottle of Castor oil next Sunday blended properly and mixed in between his food and drink. Castor oil is not only a labor-inducer, but also a wonderful laxative, which should give him at least 24 house of being really “too busy” - between the toilet and bed - but still sufficient time enough think on how easily he could be brought to his knees and taught, humility by Bahamian people and that because of us he is being allowed to serve. Then he should get on our radio and TV stations and apologize to the Bahamian people for said statements as documented within this Tribune.

Another alternative is for him to be forced to endure five lashes from the cat o’ nine tail in a public flogging (Maurice Rupert Bishop of Grenada once got much worst). Such a whipping would also give Gomez plenty of time to reflect on his commitment or the lack there off. And this would indeed give him pause to decide if he desires, wants or needs more of the same. Otherwise, we would prefer that this despicable thing that poses as a Bahamian human being tender his resignation immediately.

Pain generally makes one a true believer.

Posted 31 July 2012, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

One of the biggest problems which face our society is that of making those with whom decision making authority has been vested, accountable for their ever utterance. I don't know about you, but back in the day, when I was growing up, my mother used to give us one tea spoon of Castor oil each day, when we had a bad cold.

Now in dealing with that awfully elitist, pugnacious, reprehensible, and irresponsible comment from our most arrogant, self serving, and inconsiderate Minister of Health, who seems to have no human compassion, I believe there are two ways to give him a wake up call: he needs to be a cleaned out, so give him about a half bottle of Castor oil next Sunday blended properly and mixed in between his food and drink. Castor oil is not only a labor-inducer, but also a wonderful laxative, which should give him at least 24 hours of being really “too busy” - between the toilet and bed - but still sufficient time enough think on how easily he could be brought to his knees and taught, humility by Bahamian people and that because of us he is being allowed to serve. Then he should get on our radio and TV stations and apologize to the Bahamian people for said statements as documented within this Tribune.

Another alternative is for him to be forced to endure five lashes from the cat o’ nine tail in a public flogging (Maurice Rupert Bishop of Grenada once got much worst). Such a whipping would also give Gomez plenty of time to reflect on his commitment or the lack there off. And this would indeed give him pause to decide if he desires, wants or needs more of the same. Otherwise, we would prefer that this despicable thing that poses as a Bahamian human being tender his resignation immediately.

Pain generally makes one a true believer.

Posted 31 July 2012, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Lala says...

Based on his response which seems to be a direct quote, it appears that he is wasting his time going to church because he obviously isn't listening to or learning anything from the spoken word. To whom much is given, much is required Mr. Minister. You would be wise to think before you speak and remember that humility and sincerity are remarkable qualities to have. But to be honest, nothing this PLP government does or says will surprise me. I just hope five years pass quickly so I can wake up from this bad dream!

Posted 31 July 2012, 7:54 a.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Thank you Lala for your spot on comment. The church has always been and will continue to be a boil in my butt, for it has always been a place for the rich to congregate and arrange big deals, a place for old political scum bags to find and service themselves with the most beautiful virgins, and a place for all the hypocrites to congregate in Jesus name while making hefty donations to the preacher's plate; that's as if money given could cleanse their consciences as they ready themselves to abuse and destroy the lives of other seemingly lower human being in that very instance.

The way a man reacts when he is tested shows the true merit of his worth, and whatever he says after the fact on national T.V. or radio is garbage and merit less.

I believe it is time to put a stop to those plantation owners and workers of iniquity who perpetuate a slave like mentality within rest of the Bahamian population that is too close to or too timid to restore order and salvage our society. Nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream. All political parties are one and the same but yet and still they as gutlessly servants of Lucifer through that clandestine brotherhood are able to fool some of the people some of the time but are not able to fool all of the people all the time. I have had the opportunity to meet major politicians in seven different countries where I have been able to earn a living and the greater majority of them were scum and those that were not were helplessly overwhelmed by the force of evil they faced in an effort to create betterment for the masses. Again I say as the I Chang states, `Evil must consume all good, then evil will consume itself. Then pure good is!´ And in another commentary, it states that "Evil can only be restrained but for a season then it will return."

I leave you with the song “Games People Play.”…

Posted 31 July 2012, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

hank you Lala for your spot on comment. The church has always been and will continue to be a boil in my butt, for it has always been a place for the rich to congregate and arrange big deals, a place for old political scum bags to find and service themselves with the most beautiful virgins, and a place for all the hypocrites to congregate in Jesus name while making hefty donations to the preacher's plate; that's as if money given could cleanse their consciences as they ready themselves to abuse and destroy the lives of other seemingly lower human being in that very instance.

The way a man reacts when he is tested shows the true merit of his worth, and whatever he says after the fact on national T.V. or radio is garbage and merit less.

I believe it is time to put a stop to those plantation owners and workers of iniquity who perpetuate a slave like mentality within rest of the Bahamian population that is too close to or too timid to restore order and salvage our society. Nothing comes to a dreamer but a dream. All political parties are one and the same but yet and still they as gutlessly servants of Lucifer through that clandestine brotherhood who are able to fool some of the people some of the time but are not able to fool all of the people all the time. I have had the opportunity to meet major politicians in seven different countries where I have been able to earn a living and the greater majority of them were scum and those that were not were helplessly overwhelmed by the force of evil they faced in an effort to create betterment for the masses. Again I say as the I Chang states, `Evil must consume all good, then evil will consume itself. Then pure good is!´ And in another commentary, it states that "Evil can only be restrained but for a season then it will return."

I leave you with the song “Games People Play.”

Posted 31 July 2012, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

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