Arguments over women blamed for climbing murder rate


ARGUMENTS over women are a significant factor in the country's steadily-climbing murder rate, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said.

In announcing the launch of Urban Renewal 2.0 at Police Headquarters yesterday, Mr Greenslade told participating officers that conflict resolution is a "huge problem" in communities across the Bahamas.

"Many of the murders that we recorded to date are as a result of arguments. I am ashamed to tell you, arguments over women - females, where young men are feuding over females," he said.

"Family members are aware of it and they try their best to make the intervention and there's this pinch-point and men who are best friends argue to the extent that at some point, a gunshot rings out and one falls dead because of jealousy or some jealous rage between two healthy bodied young men who are obviously miscommunicating and are totally confused."

In addition to killing each other over women, "confused" men also pick fights over illegal drugs, Mr Greenslade said.

"Beyond females, there is silly arguments and strife over illicit drugs," he said.

However, the Commissioner explained, "a lot" of men murder each other as a result of arguments over women and police should pay "serious" attention to that.

In offering advice to the police officers set to engage in Urban Renewal 2.0, Mr Greenslade asked officers to intervene before an argument starts and then escalates into violence.

"This is killing us and it's causing our people to die. We are going to have to make that intervention," he said.

"We're going to have get right up in their faces and say: 'We know, we've heard.' And you may have to talk to a young man and hurt his pride and say: 'You're a bigger man than that and I hear you're feuding over this girl - let it go.' And maybe take him for a drive and have a man talk."

Mr Greenslade continued: "As I look at the details around many of these murders, I did not want to believe it, because there's always the tendency to point to drugs - and, yes, drugs is causing a lot of our problems, but a lot of our problems with our young people stem from these relationships that do not work right.

"And they're not even marriage relationships," he said.

"They are just relationships that don't seem to go right. It's a huge problem and we are going to have to do a lot of work around it."


242 says...

I guess this another way to look at it. Usually when them big fight break out at the club it usual is over a woman. Maybe there should also be a program in place for older (responsible) women to talk to some of these younger (irresponsible) women as well. I know some girls who say they have one man to buy them lunch one to by them dinner one to fix they hair and one to take them out.

Posted 5 June 2012, 2:44 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

If a man can take your woman then let him have her, she wouldn't be good for you anyway. It is so stupid to kill someone end up in jail and then she move on and find another two suckers.

Posted 5 June 2012, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...


Posted 5 June 2012, 3:54 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Hey 242 remember me. I must agree with you that besides talking to the men, women also need that woman to woman talk; letting them know to satisfy with what ONE man they choose to have in their life can afford to give them.

Posted 6 June 2012, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Yes, I remember you positiveinput. I have agreed with a lot of your postings. Just didn't like the one's which opened with calling the previous poster dumb or stupid. Like I said in a previous post I will refrain from insulting Prime Minister Christie as he is the leader of the Bahamas. There are several parties but only one country that you me and we all love

Posted 7 June 2012, 4:11 p.m. Suggest removal

shortpants says...

Before May 7th 2012 it was drugs related now it's women related make up you'll mind .I did not know you had this much voice before than. Everyday you in the headlines what's up with that.

Posted 7 June 2012, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Drugs effect it in so many different ways. One could be under the influence or it could be a beef over selling drugs.

Posted 7 June 2012, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

crawdaddy says...

I have heard and believe that we have lost a generation of young men who deal with disputes with violence and confrontation and not turning the other cheek or verbal discussions. Too many of our boys are ill equipped to handle rejection and think being humble is a weakness. it takes more than a hard working poor mother with several children to raise responsible boys. They need a father figure to steer them in the right direction, a mentor who can tell them it's allright not to fight and positive ways to vent anger. God help our new generation now growing up. I'll try get off my **s and be a mentor to some needy boy.

Posted 7 June 2012, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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