Mother's plea for 'innocent' son

THE emotional mother of Stephen "Die" Stubbs yesterday made a double-sided appeal to law enforcement officials to release her "innocent son and allow him to live his life in peace".

Stubbs was arrested at the Ridgeland Park home he shares with several relatives last Thursday after police announced he was wanted in connection with a night club shooting on East Bay Street that ultimately killed one man and left seven others seriously injured.

Police have also questioned Stubbs' connection in a number of other crimes throughout New Providence.

Despite her son's constant face-offs with the police, Natalie Stubbs who visited The Tribune said police seemed to have been fishing for a reason to keep her son locked up after they forcibly took him into custody.

Ms Stubbs said: "When they took him they jumped the wall and picked the lock, they didn't wait for us to answer the door. Now they (the police) saying he been in the club and the people who own the club tell them he was not there.

"I have a camera home in my house because they always lying on him to pick up whatever he say. They come in my house and they take it and carry it. They told me to sign it for release - I tell them I'm not signing for my own things.

"When they carry it and check it out, they see he was home. So after they see that, before they say we sorry for what we do, they don't want to say that, and don't want to apologise."

Stubbs was also arraigned yesterday in the Magistrate's Court on a charge of abetting a fatal shooting on August 21, 2009, which killed Delano Morris.

To that accusation, Ms Stubbs said: "They didn't want to let him go free because now they feel shame and bad, so they charge him saying he know something about somebody who get shoot, say he aid and abet.

"You don't think if that was true they would have already had him long time?"

Speaking highly of her long time boyfriend, Jacqueline Miller said Stubbs is not the person police have made him out to be.

Ms Miller said: "They are just out to get him. We understand from a police officer that CDU was told to get something on him just to get him off the road. It's like they have society out thinking that he is a bad person, and he is not.

"Stephen might have his ways, everybody has their ways, and everyone might say this or that about him, but he's a nice person.

"Like he told the police when they came and locked him up that night, if he was at the club when that incident happened it wouldn't have happened. He don't be into problems."

Both women now fear that Stubbs could resort to taking his own life as "he has been victimised for years by the hands of police".

"An officer used to come to my house when he feel like. What he used to do is anywhere he meet my son he used to search him on the street. One day he come round there and he had my son in the street and take the gun and hold it to my son head just to scare him.

"That does cause people to flip. You see plenty people hang they self, and that's why. They just flip," Ms Stubbs said.

Ms Stubbs also insisted that she was not hiding her son despite knowing he was wanted by police.

"We saw the picture on the news Tuesday night and they came for him on Wednesday. I call the lawyer Ducille. I said Ducille I don't want him go, but could you please take him in. Ducille said I am going to the Supreme Court and I am coming for him round 2 pm to carry him down.

"When the police came in, they met him sitting down waiting to go. If he was running away why should he be home. Just how he was to the table waiting for the lawyer to come is how they met him."

Ms Stubbs also squashed rumours that her home was built from money made from the sale of drugs.

"Then they talking about my house, saying it came from drug money. My son was born in 1975 and Finco buy me that house in '84. How he could have any drug money at that time? Ask the bank how much times I borrowed money to fix that roof.

"My sister died and she left all her money to me. I tell them what I will do is take the whole roof off and add piece up top. That's how that piece get up top there. My son is a contractor, so I didn't pay a cent for that.

"There is no drug money in my house. I am a woman who serves God," she said.

Senior police officers could not be contacted for comment before press time last night.


242 says...

Once minister Nottage reade this....

Posted 5 June 2012, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Tell me something. This Stephen Stubbs from 21st August, 2009 to June 2012 was never in police custody aye. Or even if not, how come if he was just suspected of a club shooting recently, he was so swiftly apprehended but from 2009 to now he's just being charge for a matter. I doubt that he was hiding from the law that long for an abetting crime if for a recent club shooting he was suspected of he just sat home. Earn the respct you request as a police force and by the way what charges was given to that individual whom admitted to removing that throne and footage was recovered from security cameras.

Posted 6 June 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Ironvelvet says...

You know what....This is a sad case. I'm sure he is nice to his family, but if he has not been in any problems how come the police know him so good? The police don't know me, and I definitely have never been in any problems.

I'm not convicting the guy until the evidence is presented, but let's be real...why do the police have a vendetta against him? Why do they know him so good? This business from 2009 until now seems sketch, but we know how slow the legal system is.

The rake n scrape song, "Stop digging in ya Boongie" While funny...its real. The criminal the street knows is not the one who fixes our roofs and adds second stories to our houses for free. The criminal the street knows is not the one sleeping in our house and eating at the dinner table with us. The criminal the street knows is not the one with the beautiful memories that took years to build.

The criminal the street knows is the one we lock our doors to, the one we put expensive bars in our house in order to keep them out, the reason we bought the house alarm, the reason we bought the killer dogs, and the reason we bought a shotgun. The criminal the street knows causes our heart rate to beat at ferocious levels, he makes us hold our breath, he makes us send up cries to God, and he fills our 'peaceful' sleep with nightmares.

Crime does have a face. Crime has a family that loves them very much. Crime our home...eating at the dinner table with us every night.

While this article is heartbreaking, I am thankful for it. The plight of this woman is touching and for HER sake I hope he is innocent. This is a reminder that crime is a problem we all hate, but love at the same time. Unfortunately, the true criminals are so selfish they don't realize what they do hurts the ones that love and sacrifice so much for them.

Posted 6 June 2012, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

thetruth says...

i agree with u iron velvet but ,
why everytime he gets pick up from off the street or at home it is be one particular cop always there like his mom said its personal to me i feel either mr stubbs take this man wife or girllfriend, how could one officer waste so much time as to everytime they arrest him he has to be there

Posted 12 June 2012, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

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