Call to honour pledge on tackling high energy costs


Tribune Freeport Reporter

FREEPORT - Attorney Osman Johnson is calling on the PLP government to keep the promise it made during its election campaign and address the high energy costs on Grand Bahama.

Mr Johnson stressed that the cost of power is affecting the viability of major businesses, as well as the standard of living of Bahamians on the island.

He claimed that the Grand Bahama Power Company is profiting while investors are being forced to shut down their businesses.

Several business enterprises, including the Grand Bahama Yacht Club, Port Lucaya Marina, City Market foodstores, and Savemore Foodstore have closed.

The high electricity cost was among the major challenges faced by these investors, some of whom are being sued by the Power Company for non payment of power bills amounting to half a million dollars.

Mr Johnson was also concerned about the recent reports regarding the Grand Lucayan Resort.

According to Tribune Business, the resort withdrew its membership from Grand Bahama Island Tourist Board, drastically slashing the Board's joint marketing/promotional budget.

The move has stunned tourism officials.

"One has to ask the question, if a multi-billion corporation like Hutchison Whampoa Group is not able to keep up with the cost of energy and keep open the Grand Lucayan Hotel, then what chance do the rest of us have?" he asked.

Mr Johnson believes that the resort's challenges may be the result of several issues, including high power bills.

"If the island's major resort shuts down, then hundreds would lose their jobs and plunge the island into further economic chaos," he said.

He stressed that the PLP government needs to make good on its campaign promise and address the issue with the Power Company to bring down the cost of power.

Mr Johnson said that the cost of power "strikes at the core of the economic viability of Grand Bahama."

"We will not be able to progress and we will watch as the livelihood and living standards of people are placed into ruin for no other reason than to enrich the coffers of a multi-billion dollar corporation from Canada," he claimed.

Mr Johnson said the former FNM government did nothing, despite a petition signed by some 5,000 residents last November.

He also claimed that the Grand Bahama Port Authority failed as regulators of the GBPC.

"There are several senior members of the Port Authority who are also executives of ICDU Utilities, which owns 20 per cent of the Power Company. It is a conflict of interest and it is not acceptable," according to Mr Johnson.

He explained that that is why the Port cannot be a true regulator because persons who are supposed to regulate are actually owners of the Power Company.

Mr Johnson stressed that if the PLP government wants to be taken seriously, it must stand by the promises it made and address the power issue for the future of the island.

"We demand, if necessary, that legislation is introduced to the House so we can finally once and for all regulate the national energy industry in the Bahamas," he said.


242352 says...

I never could figuer out why they charge one rate from 0 -350 kwh and then once you go over 350 kwh you get another colum with a higher rate. It costs them the same to produce a kwh no matter how much the consumer uses.

Also, they could help us out by reading or meter in shorter periods, ie. rather then 35 days cycle do 20 days cycle. That way alott of us could stay under the 350kwh

I am glad to see Osman pick up this fight again now that the elections are over.
We all need to band together in this fight here in Freeport!

Good job Osman

Posted 11 June 2012, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

carlh57 says...

Please do not let this issue rest! The BEC is one of the most inefficiently run, outdated, inept management, over staffed/redundant positions, as well as ineffective power companies in the western hemisphere. And i've lived all over the world. THe power grid in India and China is better and more reliable than here. While other countries are making efforts to streamline for efficiencies and attracting businesses as well as making the lives of their people easier and helping to save money, the bahamian government seem to be running the other way and the powers-to-be at BEC are greedily lining their pockets with blood money....blood money of the working class here on the island. No wonder this nation is viewed as 3rd world by most people. Entities such as BEC are a prime example of how NOT to run a company and a country that is held hostage by one entity, and this affects the lives of everyone! So, please keep this pressure on to hold them accountable and don't believe their propaganda.

Posted 11 June 2012, 5:55 p.m. Suggest removal

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