Eleven, including five children, feared dead after boat sinks

ELEVEN Haitian nationals, including five children, are feared dead after their vessel sank in waters near Crown Haven, Abaco on Sunday night, police have confirmed.

It is believed that seven individuals have been found alive. Rescuers are hoping to find other survivors.

The vessel reportedly left Farm Hill near Treasure Cay with 28 people on board.

See tomorrow's Tribune for more.


242352 says...

Sounds like humuan smuggling again.

The persons with the boat need to be proscuted and put in Fox Hell.

We need to get tough on this issue.

Posted 12 June 2012, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

MartGM says...

I fully agree! Not sure if that was a typo "Fox Hell" but you're absolutely correct. They need to go to Fox Hell!!!!

Posted 12 June 2012, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yet another solemn reminder of just how perilous are the journeys taken aboard the smugglers boats that have no regard for human life. I noticed a recent statement in the media by the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce to bring an end to the current health-related barrier of produce from Haiti but not a word about our illegal Haitian problem.

To those bleeding die-hearts who think it would be crude to close our borders to the 12 million improvised Haitians in Haiti, you tell me what could possibly be any more crude than dong nothing, while innocent humans drown. including little children?

The sad truth is more Haitians have drowned in our waters in the past 10 years than all the natives murdered by Bahamaland's thugs.

What has happened to us a people?


Posted 12 June 2012, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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