Legalise gambling

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IN THE 32 years I have been a citizen of the Bahamas, numbers has always been around. Throughout the years it has been modernised and the integrity of the game has also transformed tremendously. It went from being a backyard business to a corporate figure that now finds itself in a grey area.

Understanding the downside gambling has on any families has been considerable and it may or may not cause troubles for our communities. But the matter we have at hand is to regulate, not introduce numbers that have always been in existence for some time now.

We feel it's the right thing to do to in taking the step to decriminalising Bahamians. No one ever speaks the positive facts that the current industry provides to families daily. Never once was it mentioned how when Atlantis cut back we took on most of its staff along with the 3,000 plus staff the industry currently employs, or the large sum of rental property we rent with annual paid rent of 6+ million, or the national insurance contribution of 4+ million per annum, or the local funds spent on BEC, Cable, paper, supplies in the 10+ millions or the fact that every Bahamian can gamble at the carnival for 45 days in front of kids during the holidays and all funds leave the country.

We are an industry and we are a large private sector and vital to the country's current economy. We are not criminals and should not be looked at in that way and victimised because of the nature of our business. No one protests outside of Burns House that provides the liquor that destroys thousands of families as well or the BWA that fills our country with smoke that is a known fact to cause lung cancer.

All of these things are wrong, but choices everyone has a right to make. We need to stop pointing the finger and address the core problems and start with home and lack of education on these matters.

No man has a right to dictate what is good or not good for another. But we can educate on what is good or not good for each other. We support both sides of this issue and will work with the government to help implement this agenda as well as work with churches to educate Bahamians on why they shouldn't gamble, but not why it shouldn't be legal. The industry cannot continue down the path of only being recognized as legal when we give out to the community, pay taxes, business license fees, national insurance, thrown out of banks taken to the labour board, etc. But then we are deemed as illegal on the other hand that's insane. We applaud the current government on addressing this national issue that has lingered far too long.


Island Luck CEO, Nassau

June, 2012,


MartGM says...

The honesty in this is very interesting. You acknowledge that gambling destroys families, yet you want to encourage this family destroying behavior? I'm all for allowing people the right to freely choose what they want and don't want for themselves. But you should be the one advocating for gambling in a way that presents the benefits not the detriments to society. I'm beyond astonished that you'd be willing to "work with churches to educate Bahamians on why they shouldn't gamble..." Maybe you're just a very honest individual and I'm not at all speaking against your honesty. However, there is a better way to explain your point. Explaining that you pay your utility bills and NIB is not helping your point. Instead it explains you're an upstanding citizen... except for the fact that you own illegal number houses that you intend to legalise...and these number houses will destroy families and ruin the lives of tens of thousands of Bahamians. Thanks Mr. Bastian!!

Posted 11 June 2012, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

If numbers is illegal then he just confess to doing it, I guess there is no enforcing the law in the Bahamas.

Posted 11 June 2012, 3:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Mayaguana34 says...

'Rather, the matter is one of regulating it vs. ENFORCING the laws against it. It is the ambivalence in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of our government in DEALING with this festering issue which has now exacerbated the situation...' Thanks TIM!!! -

I trust that none of these confessed criminals are allowed to participate in a legalized national lottery.

Posted 12 June 2012, 12:31 a.m. Suggest removal

dsb1999 says...

I agree with Mr. Bastian, i think he means well. we need to get our head out of sand and understand that legal or not numbers will go on, but at least if its regulated we can benefit as a nation from its taxes. I don't gamble so it doesn't matter to me , but if i had to vote i would vote yes , because i believe in the benefits. Numbers being legalized won't make gamblers out of people that don't gamble , because anyone who wants to gamble can by numbers on almost any corner currently. People should have a choice, this is a free country.

He not suggesting we introduce something that doesn't already exist, number has always been in our country. I sure they make more money if it stay the way it is, so i think sharing revenues with government speaks for something.

Posted 12 June 2012, 1:22 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

And please do not allow anyone currently offering illegal numbers to participate in our national lottery. Not a good idea to de-criminalize criminals then give them access to a potentially huge source of revebue to our country. No one currently involved in numbers should be considered for this legalization process. Let them retire, they have made hundreds of millions to date. Time for the good guys to win.

Posted 12 June 2012, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

tiredofhypocrisy says...

When we will stop being a hypocritical regressive nation? Every single one of us take part in some sin or another and are in no position to sit in the seat of judgement. The facts are that the law is not being regulated, possibly because and the end of the day it is a matter of choice. Of all the things that destroy MartGM I'm pretty sure Adultery, fornication, and alcoholism are in the top five yet I don't see any of you petition to ban these virus that rip fathers from homes and reduce lawyers to scum. Yes Tim, they are all cancers therefore if you are going to speak against one you should speak against them all! Hypocrits! Your pretty dumb if you don't realize you are already taking part in the benefits of gambling, either through the charity donations they give out, the party promotions, or the taxes that they are paying through utilities, national insurance and licenses. It only makes sense to apply direct taxes so that this money can potentially go toward things, like education, social services, and national security. What I don't understand is why all of you who are so very opposed to the legalisation of gambling haven't marched in front of numbers house shining a light on the illegalities therein? Is it simply that you are opposed to progress? Is it that you benefit from the way things are and could care less about the potential benefits that injection of cash will give the Bahamas as a whole? Don't you just love this country, a person can spend $15 getting sloppy drunk and killing another human being, but they can't spend $15 to potentially get money to pay their bills. Hypocrits!

Posted 12 June 2012, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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