Too much rainfall as an excuse? It's unbelievable!


INCREASED rainfall is a pitiful and unbelievable excuse for the delay in garbage collection across New Providence, Free National Movement chairman Charles Maynard yesterday said.

While rain reduces the efficiency of garbage truck crews, Mr Maynard said five weeks without collection is inexcusable - and an indication of the newly-elected PLP government's inability to deliver.

Under the former FNM administration, garbage collection was never suspended, even throughout the rainy season in May and June, Mr Maynard said.

"The FNM left in place scheduled garbage collection. The most challenging routes were contracted out to the private sector: Bahamas Waste, a public company, United Sanitation and Impac. Each had defined routes. The department, with a fleet of 25 vehicles, 17 of which were operational on May 7, collected the rest of New Providence," he said.

Last week, several people contacted The Tribune to report that the growing piles of garbage outside their homes and businesses was attracting swarms of flies and packs of rodents.

Environment officials said the increase in rainfall was to blame for the delay.

Minister of the Environment Kenred Dorsett asked the public to take their uncollected garbage to the dump site on Tonique Williams Highway.

Mr Maynard said this advice was woefully inadequate and questioned the abilities of those put in place to deal with the matter.

"Is it that the PLP government has contracted incompetent or non-performing persons who will again raid the cookie jar?

"Or have they terminated or suspended the contracts of reputable and efficient garbage collection companies?" he asked.

Mr Maynard said many areas in New Providence are still littered with piles of festering garbage, meaning that "rodents, mosquitoes, cockroaches, dogs and general ill health" are real and immediate dangers.

The FNM will conduct a systematic island-wide survey and continue to monitor the situation, Mr Maynard said.

He said it is imperative that government maintain a clean and pristine environment for the protection of the health of all Bahamians and visitors.


242352 says...

Rain never stops garbage collection here in Freeport.

Oh. I forgot - PRIVATE COMPANY!!!

Posted 11 June 2012, 4:30 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

I haven't heard the sound in more than a decade but rain or whatever you would here the collectors calling to the driver early in the morning "Aliber, lets go" in freeport.

Posted 12 June 2012, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

JJSherman says...

So much injustice and evil has been going on in the Bahamas for as long as I can remember, I left because of the injustice and the segregatinons that has been going on in the BAhamas, the Lord has blessed us with beautiful shores, that many from all over the world is jealous of our surroundings, but most of us takes this for granted, and we have turned away from the gifts that was given to us. I left because there was no one that I could of turned to for help, and therefore seek refudge in a place that would provide for me and my son. I miss the beauty of the island, but not the rejection that I had to indure. Bahamians God is trying to tell us something, he is trying to tell us to clean up our dirty ways, and and to come back to him, with all of the murders' that is going on in the Bahamas, and everyone turning against one another, our God is not pleased with this. Humble yourselves to the Lord, and see how things will come around only for the good. I pray for my place of birth every day you too need to lift up our country to the Lord and ask of our forgiveness and in doing so He will answer our prayers. Remember New Orleans? He cleaned it up, and He' is warning the Bahamian people in the same way. Take head to the signs of the Lord.

Posted 12 June 2012, 12:32 a.m. Suggest removal

positiveinput says...

Well Mr Maynard, take a look again and see that up to last night 11/05/12 the garbage has already began to be thrown on the floor. The excuse of garbage being collected is just the excuse by lazy nasty Bahamians for why that first mess was there. Why would you take a bag full of garbage and just rest it NEXT to the bin. There are forklift-pallets making stairs to easily reach the top of the large bin, yet some nasty persons still finds it easier to throw their trash on the floor.

Posted 12 June 2012, 7:15 a.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

It is just slackness on the new goverenment, that's all.

Hopefuly they will stop blaming the FNM for everything and start to get to work on running the country.

So far all I hear is 'the blame game'

Posted 12 June 2012, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

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