Shot in row over woman


A CAR passenger may have been shot by a gunman at a restaurant's drive-through line after a row over a woman.

The 29-year-old is fighting for his life in hospital after being targeted while sitting in a Wendy's drive-through line. He had reportedly been followed there by the gunman.

The victim was a passenger inside a blue Honda at Wendy's in Bernard Road at around 9.30pm on Friday.

While in the drive-through, a man tried to open the victim's car door and when he realised it was locked, fired three shots at the car.

The passenger was hit and was taken to hospital via a private vehicle.

Last night, his condition was described as critical.

Police sources say they do not believe the shooting was random but that the victim was targeted by a man who knew him.

The victim's name has not been released.

Calls to Wendy's confirmed a shooting took place at their Bernard Road branch.

Sources last night told The Tribune the gunman may have acted as a result of a dispute over a woman.

Earlier this month, Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade said arguments over women were a "significant factor" in the country's steadily-climbing murder rate.

"Many of the murders that we recorded to date are as a result of arguments.

"I am ashamed to tell you, arguments over women - females, where young men are feuding over females," he said.

A 31-year-old Kemp Road resident is being questioned by police in connection with the shooting.


positiveinput says...

Speaking of drive thru, whats with the McDonalds Down Town accepting walk-up orders after the doors have been closed. By doing that customers in vehicles are delayed for long periods in the rear of the building making them easy targets for robbery, etc.

Posted 18 June 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

really says...

not directed towards anyone in this story but generally speaking...woman AND man need to keep they leg close and we wouldnt have this problem everyone too hott up for nothing.. have some self respect! and society need to stop glamorizing people having multiple sexual partners and accepting this low moral standard we have in this country these days... i mean it never been really high its just people don't hide no more! parents please try to keep it together for these kids because the single parent thing it just aint working!

Posted 18 June 2012, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

For a long time I've been saying that we have a problem communicating with each other and dealing with our emotions. Many women in this country fuel these arguments between men. I have witnessed many an argument in clubs over women. These have often turned into a brawl in the club or spilled out onto our streets. But women cannot be solely blamed in these matters.

We men need to learn to catch a hold of our emotions. I have always said and will say again. Bahamian fellas can't handle rejection. If a gal rejects you just simply move on. No need to cuss her out and act the fool. I understand its hard for the guys in relationships with these hot gals because some of these guys spend all the small change they earn treating these girls. Then the girl runs off with another fella and laughs at you. But killing the next fella or hurting her don't make an ounce of sense. Anyway lets keep praying that people would use good judgement in these situations.

Posted 18 June 2012, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

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