Maynard hits out at BTC takeover plan


FNM chairman Charles Maynard hit out at Prime Minister Perry Christie's insistence on taking back control of the Bahamas Telecommunication Company.

Mr Maynard accused the Prime Minister of "doing some political posturing". He also claimed the government gaining majority shares of BTC will have no affect on the frequency of service interruptions.

This comes after Mr Christie said Monday's nation-wide service disruption reminded him of why the former government should not have sold 51 per cent of the company to Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC).

Government regaining control of BTC was one promise among many made during Mr Christie's successful election campaign.

Mr Maynard said: "He (Christie) knows full well the deal was solidified. It is a packaged deal that includes a certain time period for the liberation of the market and other such things. To meddle with it means you would have to change some conditions of the sale."

The chairman stated that even if CWC agreed to a sale, there would be "concessions" that would go along with it - including "interference" with the long-term goal of opening the market to competition.

"Ultimately, I think that's what the Bahamian people are interested in - competition, having a choice," Mr Maynard said.

Regarding Mr Christie's comment, when asked if he thought government ownership of BTC would have any affect on service disruptions, mass or otherwise, Mr Maynard said: "I don't think it will. It was not a regular occurrence.

"It was not planned, it was something out of their control - it was something from the BEC blackout. I don't think the government buying majority shares changes that in any way.

"Mr Christie is trying to score political brownie points and appease his supporters when he knows full well a country is not run that way."


Tarzan says...

Competition is what the Bahamian people are interested in, but not what the PLP are interested in. They are interested in "rice bowls" where they can park their constituents. It is perfectly obvious that the way to better communications services and better utility services is by getting rid of government ownership. That has been proved all over the world but the PLP is living in the 19th century.

Posted 21 June 2012, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

If PM Christie is saying the blackouts will stop if they regain majority ownership, he is obviously saying they are happening because they don't hold full ownership which could mean someone is intentionally sabotaging equipment?

Posted 21 June 2012, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

In an interview PM Christie stated that CWC was the worst thing ever to happen to the Bahamas. In the same interview he also said he believes CWC is the most experienced telecommunications company in the world. So what he is saying is the most experienced company in the world, in his opinion, is the worst thing ever to happen to the Bahamas. So, what do you propose was a better solution?

Posted 21 June 2012, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What's so noticeable here is some of the red shirts bloggers write as much nonsense as their once powerful red shirts regime talked while in office.

Look Comrades I know it hurts to have but eight sitting MP's, but the natives didn't buy all the lies which went down during Decision 2012, to defy common sense and decency., so what makes you think they're ready buy now?

Hubert talk so much lies he lips done turned inside out by now. But no worries, he goin haves lots of free time to talk to he lone-self and the fishes up in Cooper's Town.…

Posted 21 June 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Tal- stick to the issue of BTC.

Not your Red Shirt mumbo jumbo..

The issue is a BTC take over...

Posted 21 June 2012, 4:27 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

What conversation are you talking about me joining in on. You're not calling Comrade Charlie's BEC puff talk a real conversation. I didn't think so.

Really Comrade you want me to listen to his puff talk when his own damn constituents couldn't take anymore of his nonsense?

I'd like see the Tribune do one of their online readers surveys, asking their readers if they have any interest at all in hearing from Comrade Charlie? Even their bias question gathering tools couldn't twist the real resentments the natives hold for the good Comrade Charlie?

And, the red shirts made him their party's Chairman. Now, that's bring aboard fresh red shirts young blood on the "new" Hubert A's team?
No, it sure as hell ain't. Even a tread mill don't want Comrade Charlie on it. But the red shirts sure as hell seem to enjoy having this puff thinking for them.…

Posted 21 June 2012, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ 242 Tal Russell is in love with HAI that is why every comment ends up @ the feet of HAI. When CWC becomes Blue Water then the deal will make sense because it will be partly owned buy members of the PLP. Looking out for themselves and not the country.

Posted 21 June 2012, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

and just to insure profiblity they give themselve a juicey cell phone monoploy,,,,,,tal HAI is gone ,he can,t hurt you now ,,lol

Posted 21 June 2012, 10:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tiredofhypocrisy says...

PLP just seem like a bunch of dolts running around in circles and ever getting anywhere, doing anything new or having any innovative ideas. This turn of government depresses me, but oddly makes me more motivated to voice my opinions and outrage at their idiocy. Governments should not be in the utilities business! End of discussion...they had their chance for over 30years and they have failed. CWC now has to start from the bottom in technology and expertise and get to the top in little to no time, ya really think that isn't going to take some disruption to services? Bahamians live in a bubble wanting results but not knowing, understanding or appreciating the work thats involved. Probably because we have spent years being fed bull by lazy politicians who have stolen their way to glory seamlessly.

Posted 21 June 2012, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

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