'Young people both the cause and solution to crime problem'


BAHAMAS Against Crime executive director the Rev CB Moss said yesterday that young people are both the cause and the solution to the escalating crime problem.

Speaking at a press conference at Yoruba Home, Mr Moss said youth need to be more actively involved in the fight against crime

"Young people are at the heart of the problem and should be at the heart of the solution.

"In the face of this intolerable situation, Bahamas Against Crime (BAC) is again calling for strong, swift, and focused action in all areas if the nation is to be spared further suffering and grief," he said.

"It is imperative therefore that all sectors of the society step up to the plate NOW. BAC will be intensifying its efforts to mobilise Bahamians to focus on the battle against crime with more urgency and resolve.

"Bahamians should not be lulled into complacency because no murders have been officially recorded in the last week.

"Even with the best effort it's going to be a long while before a tolerable level of crime will be reached."

Mr Moss said BAC is out in full force to warn Bahamians about the climbing rate of crime.

He said crime is viewed as a police and government problem, when it really is about the community.

In this vein, Mr Moss said BAC will expand and strengthen existing programmes as well as introduce new initiatives.

Planned initiatives include promoting socialisation among young people, community programmes, and inviting high school students to empowerment activities.

Mr Moss also praised the new government for its focus on crime and the Urban Renewal Programme.


JohnBrown says...

There is not tolerable level of crime, so long as the biggest criminals are seated in Parlament. We need men with common sense and honour not law degrees to run our country and bring it back to life. This Bahamas could be a Paridise. Yes, we need the unwise preachers - parasites on our people - to shut the hell up and then go find a cave and disappear in it until word is received from your God Lucifer, that the restored Bahamians have forgiven you for you part in mass corruption and exploitation.

Oh, by the way, do you or anyone of you preachers - that finally have crawled up from under a rock with non cause specific solutions - have one of those rings with a compass or square on it? if so, can you tell your church about how it came to be in your possession and all about your relationship to it and the brotherhood? Tell the people about the different Bible from the one you use on Sundays to fleece my people, which you swore to in secret. Will you?

Posted 21 June 2012, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Reader says...

As a 'Rev' Mr. Moss you should know that before you label 'young' people as the cause of the problem you need to step backward and label 'Fathers and Mothers' as the root cause. The complete breakdown of the family structure in the Bahamas is probably the number one cause of crime. As a Christian nation we as parents are called to train our children up in a specific way. Love and admonition... discipline and structure... by example.

Start here so that countless other young children already in the wings will not be led into a life of crime.

Posted 22 June 2012, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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