Foreign investment solicited

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I SEE that The Bahamas is again courting foreign investors to come and invest their money in The Bahamas.

It is not the first time. My question is why should any level headed CEO of a foreign company risk their capital in this country when there are far more stable and friendlier countries in the region? Is this not the same country which is seeking to undo a properly constructed legal transaction for the purchase of sales in Bahamas Telecommunications Corporation? The company bought these shares in good faith with their own money and immediately upgraded the telecommunications company to a high standard. Now the jealous politicians want to rescind the transaction for personal reasons. I presume.

Prior to the sale of majority shares, there was scant, if any, financial record keeping. The customers had to pay what amounted to bribes to get any attention from the staff. Now that the cellular business is thriving and the phone lines and equipment have been upgraded, we have some jealous persons who are seeking to overturn what is a thriving company and an asset to the name of The Bahamas.

In addition, the company has been a good social partner in the life of the communities, having contributed their time, talent and money in making The Bahamas a better place to live and work.

Unfortunately, recently there has been what is suspected to be sabotage of the company's equipment. This followed an electrical black-out by the Electricity Corporation, a company which also needs to be privatised...

If someone abroad were to ask whether The Bahamas is a safe place for investors to conduct business, I do not know what the answer should be.

So to those persons who are still counting only one type of criminal activity and who are jumping for joy, please tell them that there is not only one type of criminal activity - that crime rears its ugly head in several different ways such as the rampant thefts, hate crimes, as well as a number of shootings and many types of bodily injuries. So they should be advised that they have not yet mastered or conquered the problems of criminal activities in The Bahamas.

In the meantime, prospective investors should be careful in making investments in the current climate in The Bahamas until there is more clarity in business dealings in The Bahamas.



June 20, 2012.


242352 says...

Bluewater all the way!!!!

I believe in the Bahamas!!!

Posted 22 June 2012, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

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