Making progress is never easy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT HAS now become quite apparent that the present government has gone into "by any means necessary" mode to regain the controlling shares of BTC. It seems as if they are willing to beg, borrow, or do whatever else is necessary to achieve their end!

Never mind the fact that over 63 per cent of Bahamians say that the deal should stay in place, never mind the fact that persons working at BTC have said that conditions have improved, never mind the fact that this very act has the propensity for serious ramifications worldwide, evidently, the PLP want BTC BACK!

Senator Frank Smith, seriously? Cable and wireless is "raping" us with its cell fees? I guess that your supporters did not notice this; actually I did not notice this. Speaking for myself, I find that my cell fees have remained the same for the most part and have decreased somewhat from month to month, go figure. Mr Smith, my fees have remained basically the same from before the C& W sale. Are you saying that BTC was "raping" me back then? Just asking the question.

As you go on with your rant to appease your base and impress your "pep", I caution you to think before you speak. You are noted as saying that since C&W has taken over, this is the worst that cell service has been, I just know that you wanted to take this statement back as soon as it left your mouth and when you read that in this morning papers you just wondered to yourself what the hell was I thinking? I remember standing under cell towers and not being able to get cell reception at all; do you remember this Sen Frank Smith?

I will go on to say that I do not give all the credit to C&W but I have to give the credit to the technicians at BTC, they still work there and are still Bahamian, right? These are the ones out in the field making sure that the improvements are made and making sure that the whole system functions, have you forgotten about them, Sen. Smith, or are you merely questioning their abilities?

My question to you, is what has changed at BTC since the sale? I still see a lot of the same people in the field working tirelessly and a lot of the same people in middle and upper management, so explain to the people of the Bahamas what has changed, Sen Smith?

It is this very same attitude and mentality that keeps this country from advancing. As BTC improves its network and upgrades its infrastructure, there will be problems and, yes, it frustrates me at times, but you CANNOT make positive advancements painlessly, it is just impossible!

So I ask that you stop trying to rally your "troops" for this "fight" with lies and foolish talk and confront them with the truth, your comments are very unbecoming of an educated person.

There is no easy walk to PROGRESS...anywhere!



June19, 2012


242352 says...

And Senator Smith,

What is your opinion of the missing survalance tapes?

What do you think happended to them?

Do you think that maybe someone sabatoged BTC the same day as the PM was meeting with them?

Just asking????

Posted 22 June 2012, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

good letter ,if it was sabatoge the saddest part is we have alot of people out there that agree ,i can here them now ",das good dem foriengers makin all da money off our backs "is this the example we want to set to our young ,,i live on a family island where we all benefit from the winter residents ,investors ,and we are always telling the youth treat them good ,what should we tell them now if u make a deal with a foriegner and want to change it strong arm and threaten them

Posted 22 June 2012, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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