PM urged to ‘exercise Christian charity’


Tribune Staff Reporter

FORMER Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes yesterday appealed to Prime Minister Perry Christie to ‘exercise Christian charity’ and reinstate the 80 Urban Renewal workers whose contracts were not renewed.

Mr Foulkes, who headed the Urban Renewal programme under the former FNM administration, said he believed the PLP was only ‘terminating’ FNM supporters from Urban Renewal centres.

“I think the PLP has a view that all of the staff working at Urban Renewal now are currently FNM supporters,” he said on a radio programme.

“It just doesn’t make any sense what they are doing. Are you going to fire everybody?

“I am appealing to the Prime Minister because this has to lay at his feet. I appeal to him to review his decision and to exercise Christian charity and humanity for these men and women and these families and ensure they keep their jobs. I think he will do it because it is the right thing to do. It is effective termination. They are firing these people. You say you are not renewing the contracts but what you are doing is firing people,” he said.

“I think there is going to be public outcry. These families are going to protest. I know they are organising protests in Grand Bahama and in New Providence with their children and members of their family. I believe the public will be outraged about this decision and I believe that Perry Christie as Prime Minister will reverse it. Most of them are women with children. They are Bahamians and not foreigners. They are the average middle class to lower class. These are people who have to pay rent, school fees, buy groceries, pay car loans. How do you do this to them? Especially in Grand Bahama. Those 42 people are going to have a find a job. I would really appeal to the Prime Minister to review this decision post haste and reinstate these workers.”

Mr Foulkes also criticised the government for removing police officers off the streets for what he branded ‘menial’ jobs in Urban Renewal.

He said: “We have evidence that these officers that are now in the Urban Renewal centres are doing menial tasks. Tasks that these Urban Renewal workers normally do. We have evidence, photographs that we will reveal to show that police officers, corporals, constables, sergeants , inspectors are doing menial work at these Urban Renewal centres. With the murder rate and house breaking and all this crime in this country they have almost 50 to 70 workers tied up in Urban Renewal centres in Grand Bahama and in New Providence doing menial work. It is ridiculous.”

Cornelia Taylor, former Acting Manager for the Fox Hill Urban Renewal Centre said she was one of those who did not have their contract renewed. In her view the government is ‘firing’ FNM workers and keeping those who are known PLP supporters.

“I am a FNM. I proudly support the FNM and I did not know that in a democratic society that because I wore my politics on my sleeve that it would jeopardise my chances of being gainfully employed. I am losing the ability to pay rent, I am losing the ability to feed my children, I am losing the ability to pay school fees, my son will not be able to go to summer school because I am without a job,” she said.

“I was given an evaluation two weeks ago and my evaluation stated that I am highly recommended to have my contract renewed. So I need someone to answer me. You did not give me a reason why it was not renewed. I thought it was based on performance. Staff members that remain in Urban Renewal are known PLP supporters and I say that without fear of consequence.”

Mr Foulkes said the FNM was preparing a formal letter to the Prime Minister outlining their objections.

Superintendent Stephen Dean, officer in charge of Urban Renewal, denied that police were doing menial work at the centres. He said since officers had been stationed in the inner city, community crime had decreased while community spirit has gone up.

He said: “No one is sleeping on the job. All the officers are on the ground gathering intelligence and helping people in need. A lot of people have been arrested and police have brought relief to people in these communities who have been living in dire situations. They have gotten the community together and everyone is actively involved. Go and ask the people in the communities. There is too much work to be doing to sleep, too much work for officers to be doing nothing.”

Minister of State for National Security Keith Bell had no comment on Mr Foulkes’ views. He said a statement would be issued by the party chairman.


Bril says...

Funny I didn't hear Dion asking Mr. Ingraham to show charity when he did exactly the same 5 years ago. Many people were frustrated out of their jobs under the Ingraham administration. So he should get real and stop being disingenuous. Both parties have to wake and smell the roses. There are those who would sabotage and leak sensitive information to destroy the plans of the governing party. We need to get real and stop calling everything victimization. The fact is the Bahamian government doesn't owe you a job. Get up off your duff and go look for work. Many of the people on government jobs are political operatives anyway. There is no such thing as civil service in the Bahamas. We have what I call self service. There is no loyalty to the country and its people. Many of them serve their political masters and them alone. Its disgusting.

Posted 23 June 2012, 6:46 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Yes, rejected Comrade Dion indeed on Decision Day 2012 there was the cementing of the natives outcry to removed the wretched red shirts from office.

The Comrade must be remembering a different red shirts regime than the mean one he was a minister in, cause to listen to them talking now you'd never believe they were until just weeks ago being lead by arrogance.

Where was Comrade Dion's call for christian charity when Hubert was out there saying the most insane lies that would defy decency and common sense against his former law partner. Where was Comrade Dion's voice of charity when the damn red shirts spat at Hubert's former law partner.
Where was Comrade Dion's love in his hart when the red shirts terminated so many workers?

Where was Comrade Dion's heart hiding when the 60,000 natives lost their paychecks under his red shirts regime between 2007 and 2012? Do the red shirts have no shame at all in what they now claim to be all about since they themselves got fired?

And, while all this paycheck losing business was going on it was him that was the minister of labor, plus the thousands of natives working part time after their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time paycheck.

You go figure their new heart shaped facelift out? Maybe they should relight the torch one more time to burn all these stupid questions one time and for all.…

Posted 23 June 2012, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnBrown says...

Politicians are all wolves in sheep clothing: the same is true as is the case in American political history, originally, there was no Democratic or Republican party, in fact they were and still are one and the same, but by pretending to be separate and with a different platform they have successfully deceived and mislead the masses of ill informed average citizen with their slippery well crafted lies manufactured in secrecy. My grandmother told many years ago, "When you lay down with dogs you wake up with flees." And, “When you make your bed up hard you've got to lay down in it.”

Obama was allowed to have the Health Care bill passed during his stay, but look at who is trying to destroy that same most decent and human Act. which would benefit all Americans to some degree in 2014. Why?

Do we have at least 10 fully functioning, well maintained ambulances in place in Nassau since the new take over in political power? I don't think so! Black faces white masses...different faces but still the same inhumane, gutless, greed-driven people, nonetheless - politics as usual. UMMmmmmm.

Posted 24 June 2012, 3:04 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

God help us all if we relent to give the red shirts a chance to forget the bad things they did to our Bahamaland over their past five wretched years in power. Something they should never be allowed to so conveniently hide from, such as by using sneaky tactics like these from Comrade Dion..…

Posted 24 June 2012, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Oracle says...

Sir Russell you are seriously sick and demented and example of what keeps this country in the muck and mire its in...I pray God release us from the likes of you.

Posted 24 June 2012, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

CollegeKid says...

Tal Russell, my COMRADE, you really need a freaking life. Seriously. There is no place in our society for individuals like yourself! Elections are over, and this country and the people in it seem to not be able to get over themselves!! Despite your elaborate diction and use of big words sir or ma'am, you a very ignorant person!! Now feel free to attempt and insult me, it's what you obviously do best. Absolutely ridiculous.

Posted 24 June 2012, 11:14 p.m. Suggest removal

MyBahamianPeople says...

It sounds like your not far from the ignorant level yourself or just arrogant..... sigh I swear a lot Bahamian are way past childish

"The person you consider ignorant and insignificant is the one who came from God, that he might learn bliss from grief and knowledge from gloom.”

Posted 27 June 2012, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Lockhart says...

Dion Faulkes is Unbelievable Unthinkable

Posted 25 June 2012, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Funny how the red shirts Comrades squeak like a car's slipping Serpentine Belt, when you remind them exactly why if the DNA had offered another leader other than Comrade Bran, they very well could have crashed to a humiliating third place finish on Decision Day 2012.

There is much voice awakening within the ranks of the defeated red shirts now that Hubert cannot fire them. Talk about a massive miracle healing of the 38 who on their own were too dump to talk before the natives fired Hubert's arrogance.…

Posted 25 June 2012, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...


This has nothing to do with the artical above!

You are very twisted....

Posted 25 June 2012, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Has everything do do with the above story, considering Comrade Dion expects his words to hold water with Tribune readers. How so when his own fellow red shirts party insiders are talking that he is part of the the original Hubert A clan, out to undermine the leadership of the new Hubert A?…

Posted 25 June 2012, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

spencerid says...

The program resembles with a "<a href="">donate car to charity</a>" program, in which I was involved last year. Although I don't work anymore there the program has a lot of success, a success that I wish to your program too.

Posted 24 December 2012, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

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