Ministry of Grand Bahamas employees are all natives of the island - Darville

THE Minister for Grand Bahama has asserted that all employees of his newly-created ministry are natives of that island.

For the past week, claims have been circulating that Grand Bahamians were shunned in favour of Nassau natives during the hiring process at a ministry specifically created to resolve the island's high unemployment and economic woes.

In response, Dr Michael Darville said he wanted to "set the record straight", as "some untruths" were being spread about the employment process at his ministry.

He said: "Four the last five weeks, we in the Ministry of Grand Bahama have interviewed in excess of 200 potential applicants on Grand Bahama for some 30 to 40 jobs - that is how bad it is here.

"All of the employees that were selected by my ministry will be reporting to work very shortly."

In addition, a number of persons already engaged in the Public Service on Grand Bahama will be transferred to the ministry, he said.

"I am happy to report that except for my Permanent Secretary, Mr Melvin Seymour, all the other employees are Grand Bahamians, living on Grand Bahama," Dr Darville said.

His comments came as he addressed a graduation ceremony sponsored by the BORCO Foundation Technical Institute on June 22.

Thirteen young men graduated from that institute as certified welders. The ceremony was held at Freeport Bible Church on West Atlantic Drive.

Dr Darville went on to say Grand Bahamians must become passionate about their island.

He said it is important for all residents to be on the same page, so that "we will begin to move the machine that is necessary to begin the growth and development for Grand Bahama."

One of the government's primary mandates, the minister said, is to double the investment in education throughout the Bahamas.

"Now that is a very political statement because a lot of people are misquoting what we said. We are not talking about doubling the budget in education. We are talking about doubling the investment in education," he said.

Dr Darville said his ministry is "working feverishly to set up programmes to allow persons from every sector of Grand Bahama to be involved in the improvement of economic achievement for Grand Bahama".

Emphasising that his ministry cannot do it alone, he said the private sector, churches, and the various settlements in Grand Bahama need to work together.

He reminded the graduates that education is the key to success in life and said they should use their tenure at the BORCO Institute as a stepping stone to further growth.


nationbuilder says...

*He said: "Four the last five weeks, we in the Ministry of Grand Bahama have interviewed in excess of 200 potential applicants on Grand Bahama for some 30 to 40 jobs - that is how bad it is here....*

Well Minister, since you recognise how "bad it is here" in Grand Bahama, why as the Minister for Grand Bahama and the representative for Pineridge, have you not uttered a single word about the over 40 Grand Bahamians employed through Urban Renewal who your government has decided to make jobless effective this week? Given the size of the workforce in Grand Bahama, adding over 40 people to the unemployment line is no small number. Grand Bahama has the highest per-island rate of unemployment in the country, yet as Minister for that island, you have said nothing, and obviously made no representation at the Cabinet level for these Grand Bahama residents to remain employed - as this is something that is completely within your government's power to do.

Once again I say, the hypocrisy on this matter is shameless.

Posted 27 June 2012, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

Nationbuilder who is to say that those 40 employees isn't going to be replace by 40 Grand Bahamians.

Posted 27 June 2012, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Can we move on from the Urban renawal wokers already.

Let's support this man for the good of the country
No matter what party you support..

Posted 27 June 2012, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

oracleoctavia says...

242352....Let's support this man for the good of the country No matter what party you support......Sir FOR THE GOOD OF THIS COUNTRY, THIS MAN SHOULD SUPPORT ALL BAHAMIANS. For a party which agitated that THEY BELIEVE IN can you now qualify it to say We say WE BELIEVE IN BAHAMIANS BUT WE WILL SHOW WE BELIEVE ONLY IN THOSE WHO WE THINK ARE PLP BAHAMIANS......This man works for the Bahamian people the only thing we are required to give him is an understanding that NO!!! WE WILL NOT ALLOW FOR SELECTIVE DISCRIMINATORY ACTIONS AGAINST ANY BAHAMIANS BY ANY PARTY....enough with the excuse for in-apathy and ineptitude! Enough

Posted 27 June 2012, 9:03 p.m. Suggest removal

realtalkonli says...

Grand Bahamians to divided dawg...yall is act like the other Islands is immigrants to yall. Straighten up Jed cuz last time I check no matter what Island you born on da world stil label u as a Bahamian. In August when dem athletes fro diff Islands get out da blocks yall still ga b reppin one flag n das da black blue n gold not the Grand Bahama port authority n ishh..who dem white people is anyway ?

Posted 28 June 2012, 4:59 a.m. Suggest removal

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