Police silent over FNM vote claim

FOLLOWING FNM chairman Carl Bethel's assertion that his party expects to win the police force's support in the upcoming general election, police representatives refused to comment.

Sergeant Darrell Weir, chairman of the Police Staff Association, said the force as a whole does not endorse a particular party - each officer votes for whomever they want.

Sgt Weir said Mr Bethel is "free to say what he wants to say" but he doesn't know how the chairman arrived at that view.

"Every police officer has the right to vote for whoever they want. We can't say who they are going to vote for," Sgt Weir said.

"I won't say we're supporting this party or that party, every individual can vote for who they choose."

Mr Bethel made his comment on the afternoon radio show, Darold Miller Live.


TalRussell says...

Comrade Carl who? Wasn't he side-stepped after his mouth-off with that lead to DPM Brent's departure? I hear it was a declaration of war between the to FNM's?

Posted 1 May 2012, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The rain needs to fall on the Tribune's bias ink they must be sniffing to come up with their so-called who would you vote for poll that puts the FNM at a whopping 62% over the PLP’s limbo low 24%
Every other poll taken, including the FNM regimes, has the PLP either neck-in-neck with the FNM, or ahead. In Grand Bahamas the polls have the PLP way ahead of the FNM.
We know the PM head done gone funny during this campaign and it's no wonder their Tribune friends have resorted into desperate tactics in some vain hope of returning this regime back to power. Comrade Carl couldn't even convince the four constituencies he has already lost in to vote for him, yet he thinks he knows that the Police voted for his FNM regime.
Comrades once the FNM is removed from power the truth will be revealed about exactly what heated words were exchanged between Comrade Carol and DPM Brent. I hear it was juicy words.

Posted 2 May 2012, 5:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Actually, most of the other polls put the FNM well ahed of the PLp, not the other way around. Check out more94.9 online poll, as well as Jeff Lloyd's text polls, tribune online poll, and the "scientific" poll featured in a recent Guardian article. The FNM is ahead in ALL, and in fact, I think the DNA came 2nd in one of them.

Posted 3 May 2012, 12:15 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 2 May 2012, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

talrussel i know it feels bad to be one of the 24%,,don,t worry it will soon be over and you can go back to ranting under the dilly tree ,about how the fnm bought or stole the election ,,ha ha i beat u to your script for the 9th of may .....

Posted 2 May 2012, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

conian says...

Surely , it would be IMPROPER for the "Police' To make any comment. I'm a bit surprised any response was given at all !!

Posted 2 May 2012, 10:32 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@ Concerned citizen you must have me mixed up with that Green Sapodilla DNA bunch. Now that I've dared to mention the Green's, what in the hell ever happened to their Cable Beach message of turning Nassau into all Green spaces? Unfortunately for Comrade Bran and the sidetracked by DPM Brent, Chairman Carl's political life span will not be revitalized in Yamacraw, after the natives finish with him in what must now be his fifth consecutive election loss? Comrades Carl, Ingraham and Company just ain’t prepared this time around to defeat the return reign of Prime Minister (Sapodilla) Christie over our Bahamaland, until his retirement from politics. Like our native Sapodilla tree PM Christie will grown the lessons learned from little mistakes, that did not see Bahamians in the thousands on the soup lines and the 500 natives murdered since 2007, to build the solid management of our nation’s affairs to heights reaching the more than 98ft tall of our Sapodillas, with FNM mud slinging resistance of winds up to 200 MPH.

Posted 2 May 2012, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

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