Crime, economy, education three most pressing issues


THE Bahamas’ new Cabinet Ministers will all have “critical leadership roles to play” in dealing with rising crime, the declining economy and restructuring of the country’s education system, according to Prime Minister Perry Christie.

Naming these the “three most pressing issues” affecting the country, Mr Christie said the appointment of these new Ministers is a “reflection of the urgency that the new government attaches to these matters.”

He said: “I am acutely conscious that some of my appointments may give rise to questions, but I am even more acutely conscious that the enormous crisis that engulfs us at this very hour in the crime front and in all areas of the economy – especially tourism, obliges me to put the urgent needs of the nation above any concern or popularity.”

Mr Christie told the crowd it is important for him to note as Prime Minister that it is “no longer about winning votes,” but instead about “stopping the slaughter” on the nation’s streets.

“When you see us reach a point that five murders are committed within 48 hours, we have to note that we are in a crisis that calls for immediate, resolute and sustained action,” he said.

“The decline in the economy, especially in our primary industry – tourism, also calls for tried and tested acts to be placed on the wheel as we seek to right this ship as a matter of great urgency.”

Mr Christie continued: “My Ministry appointments therefore reflect a very high premium that I have placed on prior experience and a proper track record in leading the war against crime and leading the campaign to revive our declining tourism industry. I need Ministers who can hit the ground running.”

However, at the same time, he said, he has taken “great pains” to ensure that new generation ministers are placed in relevant ministries – “especially in the war against crime,” so that “appropriate adjustments” can be made, if needed.

Ending his remarks, Mr Christie recalled a promise he made during his campaign to launch “the most sustained assault on crime” the country has ever seen.

“With my announcements today, I am taking the first steps in fulfilling that promise,” he said. “I therefore ask that we all get to work to make our nation safe, to make it secure, and to make it prosperous again.”

Dr Bernard Nottage is the nation’s new Minister of National Security and Government Leader in the House of Assembly; Obediah Wilchcombe is Minister of Tourism; Jerome Fitzgerald is the Minister of Education, Science and Technology; Ryan Pinder is the Minister of Financial Services; and Allyson Maynard-Gibson is Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs.

Michael Halkitis was named Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance; Damian Gomez, Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs; and Keith Bell is Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security.

In addition to yesterday’s appointees, Mr Christie said the remainder of The Bahamas’ new Cabinet will be announced today.


TalRussell says...

PM Christie and his new cabinet announcements were already not looking like the “peep show” Hubert had reduced his cabinet and FNM regime to. Hubert was a short-lighted fuse long before he was resurrected to return to lead the FNM but the powers to-be only wanted to grab power back at all coats, not to take 2002 as an opportunity lesson to rebuild their party for the long run. In 2002 it may have been possible back in 2002, today I am not so sure the natives have any more tolerance for the influences wielded by the UBP's within the FNM as many see them as nothing more than the corporate greed and younger plastic surgeoned faces of the old UBP guard once again seeking to advance their corporate and national security rape of our tiny and beloved Bahamaland. I will personally push for PM Christie to introduce and pass a bill or sponsor a constitutional amendment that would send a clear powerful message that his PLP government is the real thing and will in except in times of dire national emergency, limit the office of Prime Minister to two terms, whether served consecutively or not. There has to be way that no one individual like Hubert could ever again come close to dominating his fellow natives. I would also like the government of Bahamaland to get out of the Housing business, creating a more progressive and effective Housing model. PM Christie must announce that within six months there will be no more “Shanty Towns anywhere in our Bahamaland. An immediate freeze on the granting of citizenships’ must be applied until a full and public review of the previous FNM’s questionable granting of citizenship’s has been explored. PM Christie must announce that there will be no drilling for oil in our Bahamaland Waters, ever. Finally, make damn sure the failure polices of the most infamous face in the former FNM’ regimes cabinet are ripped up and thrown out, into where they damn well belong, the minister of security's trashcans.

Posted 11 May 2012, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I am encouraged they at least mentioned the 3 most important issues facing us as their top priorities, unlike Citizen Ingraham who in '07 at his first press conference rudely blurted out that the Airport terminal #1l, Stopping BTC #2 and his Stop, Review and Redistribute of all public works projects like the Straw Market to His Financial Benefactors as his top three focuses. Especially please with the renaming of education to include Science and Technology the hall marks of a 21st century digital age education. Jerome my good friend I'll be filling your in box, ears and hands with a steady stream of workable solutions with regards to technology. Let's keep this trend going because we're watching you guys this lap to break the trend of PLP/FNM tried and failed policies.

Posted 11 May 2012, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

it would be great if prime minister Christie says no oil drilling ever !!!as a fisherman and a boat captain that takes tourist out to enjoy our beautiful waters that would be a welcome mandate by PM spill and we are in big trouble..

Posted 11 May 2012, 1:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Stoley35 says...

**I would also like the government of Bahamaland to get out of the Housing business, creating a more progressive and effective Housing model. PM Christie must announce that within six months there will be no more “Shanty Towns anywhere in our Bahamaland. An immediate freeze on the granting of citizenships’ must be applied until a full and public review of the previous FNM’s questionable granting of citizenship’s has been explored**

I love this and more so the fact that one day in the distant future.... the government would deal only with law making. It happened with hotels, It is a process with our quasi govt corporation and now I desire the same with Housing and Immigration.....and others. Of course we as a people would have to be empowered to invest in these areas

Posted 12 May 2012, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

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