US report's crime rating blamed on FNM

STATE Minister for National Security, Keith Bell, blamed the alarming crime rating of New Providence and Grand Bahama in a recent US report on the previous FNM government’s decision to “stop, review, and cancel” crucial crime fighting initiatives during their term in office.

Amongst the top initiatives highlighted, which include the School policing, Urban Renewal, Mr Bell said that the Tourism Based Policing should never have been “interfered with by the FNM.”

“Had we continued on with the Tourism Based Policing we would not have had all these problems. And that programme ought to have never been interfered with by the FNM – and that was a part of their stop, review, and cancel policy of the FNM. They did it with the School Based Policing, Urban Renewal, and they did it with the Tourism Based Policing. So we ought to not be surprised by what the end result is.”

The US State Department’s 2012 Crime and Safety report highlighting several incidents of violent crime involving tourists or tourist locations, noting that the dramatic increase in crime last year has adversely affected the travelling public.

Drafted to assist American travellers and businesses, the annual report addresses crime threats, road safety, medical emergencies, safety tips in countries that have established US embassies, and includes other relevant data affecting travellers such as political violence and environmental hazards.

New Providence’s criminal threat level was listed at the maximum level of “critical” with Grand Bahama being pegged as “high”, putting that island’s crime problem on par with that of the Dominican Republic.

The report read: “The US Embassy has received reports of assaults, including sexual assaults, in diverse areas such as casinos, outside hotels, or on cruise ships. In several incidents, the victim had been reportedly drugged.”

It added that while the upsurge in criminal activity has also led to incidents, which, while not directed at tourists, “could place innocent bystanders at risk.”

With the PLP having only taken office on May 7, Mr Bell reminded the public that the report would have been commissioned under the previous FNM administration. With this in mind, he said that the PLP will be moving swiftly to implement its “Operation Safe Bahamas” crime-fighting plan, and build their crime fighting initiatives from the ground up.

“We will revitalize Tourism Based Policing because it is crucial that our tourists are not only safe, but they feel safe. We now have to build from ground zero. You will see it and we will ensure that that happens.

“You will actually see what we are going to do. It will be result-oriented. I have been charged by the Prime Minister to do this job and I will assist the Minister (Dr Bernard Nottage) in this work. On Friday we met with the Commissioner of Police and you will see right away that things will change. With my experience in law enforcement you will see a difference. The Bahamas can be assured of that. There are some issues, there is no question about it, there will have to be some restructuring and some review of existing policy, and the deployment of manpower.

“Because you are not only talking about creating a new set of policies, but also a mindset. We have a very strong Minister in the person of Dr Nottage and he is not going to allow the current state of affairs to continue. Not under his watch,” Mr Bell warned.


concernedcitizen says...

truth betold until we get the sexual habits and morals under control crime will continue to increase ,,i,m not negative simply a pragmatist the other countrys in our region,our ghettos will continue to grow ,tourist will be encouraged not to leave the resorts ,those that can afford it will live behind gates ,not me can,t afford it long as you can sleep with young girls if you give them money and phones and the young mens mantra is "if you love me you,ll have a baby for me"'..we will continue to spiral downward ,,look outside the courts bunch of young girls trying to get child payments and mothers crying cause the police locked up their "good" sons

Posted 19 May 2012, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

auditor says...

For every problem, there is a solution. I have the solution to crime. I know how to stop it.

Posted 19 May 2012, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

aiditor please forward it to the goverment and let us know if they implament it ...

Posted 19 May 2012, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

perspective says...



Posted 19 May 2012, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

only one thing mr bell it says in the report ,that in 2007 we had the highest recordrd incident of rape reported any where in the world ,per lets see the FNM were out of power and had lost of free time ??is that going to be your mantra on that stat...

Posted 19 May 2012, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

1plpgovernment says...

Truth be told the alarmin rate of crime comes from the overhill area where PLP supporters are, don't blame the FNM for that.PLP all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont believe me, watch where the next murder or murderer comes from.........Sorry facts are facts.

Posted 19 May 2012, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

That is true....My thing is if you are MP of an area being in opposition shouldn't stop you from doing your part to fight crime. You were MP for 5 years yes FNM was in power but how is that an excuse.

Posted 19 May 2012, 11:49 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

When the police realize that there are gangs and realize that certain crews do certain things. And actually know where the gangs are based and which smaller gangs fall under the larger gangs that will be a big step in fighting crime. I read an article last year and the Police and the "gang activist" have no idea which gangs are in what areas and what gangs ally with who. They relying on information from a guy who was in a gang in the early 90's. He ain know what's going on in 2012.

Posted 19 May 2012, 11:52 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i think the police are on the streets everyday and know alot more about who,s in what gang and what there doing ,if not we have hired brain dead people for police ,,the problem goes back to our sexual habits and morals ..i.e children with no fathers . as long as love is based on a batter system ,i phones ,hair do,s and fancy clothes ,and young men and older mens egos are fed by how many girls they can buy ,we will continue to have a growing crime problem ..all of us see it and know it but no one really talks about it becuase we like it ...if a hog with warts walked on his hind legs and had a suitcase full of money he could impregnant as many girls as he wished until his money ran out ..

Posted 20 May 2012, 9:35 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

You would think they do but if you read the article in the guardian they are using old, outdated and in some cases just incorrect information. They assume a gang's members live in an areas they do not. They think certain slang terms are actual names of gangs. Trust me the lost

Posted 22 May 2012, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

esquirejem says...

I believe that our Politicians can only do so much. The Crime of Murder is not a physical problem. I believe that it a spiritual one. When I see the Churches Barred up and closed during the night it would appear as if the church is in fear and fear is not of God. I believe that if the Church would return to the Street Meetings of Old on the corner of our streets then we would experience a change in the air. This spirit of Murder that is permitted to go rampant in our community and Country is an inditement on the silence of the Church. The church must take the lead and have a daily national movement of prayer with our Bahamian Prayer worriers all over this country. It is then that the spirit of Murder will subside. I trust that the Government of the Bahamas will invoke a national Day of Prayer we can do it we are a christian Nation and will the christian stand up and reclaim our land.
You are representatives of Christ and Heaven here on Earth. The Prime Minister must get a Word from the Lord. Who is his spiritual Advisor. I have noticed that we have recently elected a Prime Minister in this Christian Nation and I have not seen an ecumenical church service of Prayer for this leader I wonder why or is this even a thought. Hello some Body

Posted 20 May 2012, 11:53 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

God is very busy since he became our national numbers handicapper ,all night long he is sending us dreams about winning numbers does the numbers man make money when the betters have God on their side ,,of course i,m being ironic ,but its true what we reduced God to..

Posted 20 May 2012, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Does blaming the FNM remind you of a slogan oft heard in the USA, 'It's all Bush's fault', until citizens finally called baloney on it?

The problem with blaming predecessors is that citizens know they're gone, and sooner than later they ask, 'so, now that you're in, what will you do about it besides blame people who're no longer around?'

Posted 20 May 2012, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

isn,t that the truth ,when they run for office they say the problems are because of the other guy , then when they get elected they say the problems are still because of the other guy ,,,ahhh duh thats why the people elected you .PGC can,t control violent thugs anymore than HAI could ,its about morals and upbringing and to tell the public any different is pure hogwash

Posted 21 May 2012, 12:29 a.m. Suggest removal

paul_vincent_zecchino says...

Agree. It begins in the home with morals and a healthy fear of the living God and respect for His standards.

Criminals choose to become criminals. Learned people who've studied this report that every criminal they interview admits that at some point, they chose to commit the crime when they could have just as easily chosen to walk away from it.

As you say, any different is hogwash. Blaming Mr. Ingraham for the deviant behavior of criminals is just a typical election-year smear, of which we see plenty in America and elsewhere. A shame that it still works, but that's why they pull it.

Blaming Mr. Ingraham for the deliberate deviant behavior of known criminals, who always resolve their differences with violence, is akin to blaming a pneumonia outbreak in Hong Kong on the guy who opened a window in Argentina - there's no link. Might as well say the crowing rooster caused the sun to rise.

A pleasure to read your comments.

Posted 21 May 2012, 6:37 a.m. Suggest removal

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