'2012 vote was most important in our history'

THE 2012 election was the most important vote in the history of an independent Bahamas, according to PLP chairman Bradley Roberts.

Speaking at the a thanksgiving service for the new governing party at the Zion Yamacraw Baptist Church yesterday, Mr Roberts thanked the public for expressing their will peacefully and respectfully on May 7.

He said: "This was the most important general election since 1967 because there was so much at stake. The silent majority galvanised themselves behind the policy proposals of the PLP because the Bahamian people clearly felt that the policies of the FNM were not in their best interest and relegated them to second class citizens."

Mr Roberts said he and his colleagues "humbly accept" the vote of confidence the public gave them "as a decisive mandate to put Bahamians first and to invest in our people".

Now the campaigning is over, he said, there must be "national healing and unity".

Mr Roberts said: "I ask all to pray for our country as we fight the scourge of crime and social degradation for we know that only God can heal, not man. I ask that we put away our political swords, spears, darts and arrows and pick up our shears, spades and shovels as we turn our collective attention to nation building through good governance and participatory democracy."

He said the PLP is committed to continuing the vision of Prime Minister Perry Christie and intends, through prudent governance, to promote economic empowerment, social justice, strong values and respect for the rule of law.

Mr Roberts said: "We are committed to this vision and to that of creating a fair and just society where all hardworking Bahamians have an equal opportunity to share in our national resources and the creation of wealth."

He said the PLP will immediately initiate its 100-day plan as articulated in the party's Charter for Governance.

"We will launch key elements of Project Safe Bahamas and Operation Cease Fire including Urban Renewal 2.0. We will begin the doubling of the nation's investment in education and training. In conjunction with the private sector, we will institute our mortgage relief plan.

"We will secure our nation's borders to protect our fishing grounds for Bahamians and to eliminate illegal poaching, illegal immigration, human smuggling and contraband and weapons smuggling," he said.

Mr Roberts said the new government will renew the nation's commitment to National Health Insurance and acquire badly needed cancer screening technology.

He added: "For the present time there are no more gold, red and green - only Bahamians and one Bahamas.

"The Progressive Liberal Party is committed to governing for all Bahamians. On a personal note, I wish to point out that the last two times the PLP came to office, I was the sitting chairman.

"When I won the chairmanship of the PLP in 2009, I said then that I came out of retirement to remove the FNM from office and to retire Hubert Ingraham. I will say no more and let history be the judge."


Concerned says...

Mr. Roberts,
How can national healing and unity begin when every chance you get you are spreading venom and vileness against the former government and its followers? You started this from May 7 and have not stopped yet. Just this morning you were on the radio blasting your anger across the country. Listeners are hearing you and following suit. Have you noticed the comments that are posted under your online forum posts. I know people have their liberty to do as they wish but please Sir, it begins with you. Most of the country want to move on but you can't let it go. Congratulations on your election victory. We commend you and all stroke your ego. Now sir, please change your approach to public relations.

Posted 21 May 2012, 3:18 p.m. Suggest removal

perspective says...

Historic indeed.......a consummate professional and productive leader has been replaced by a vain and unproductive individual with a lot of sweet talk and promises.

The characters are diametrically opposite......the irrationality of a deteriorating electorate has become manifest.

Today I saw the PM'S car with flashing neon headlights and three outriders.......a stark contrast to the discrete and professional manner of the former PM.

The people choose the leader who best represent themselves.

Posted 21 May 2012, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

historic for them ,there all getting into the twilight of their lives and want one more sweet ride ..

Posted 21 May 2012, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...

It look like the country cannot free itself from men like big bad brad...Lord please intervein on our behalf...

Posted 21 May 2012, 8:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Brad and the PLP know the stunts they pulled to win that election, that is why they cannot sleep peacefully at night and enjoy their win. They seem angrier now, more so than when they were in opposition. Greg Moss was on Darold the other day, and even Darold had to remind him that the campaign was over and that they needed to move forward. The PLP are not at peace. A man's conscience is a serious thing.

Posted 21 May 2012, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Mandate, What Mandate!!! You didn't get even 50% of the popular vote buddy, and if you want a second term govern as if you are only representing 48% of the electorate and consult with the rest of us on key issues before force feeding it down our throats or the same mandate the FNM thought they had with 48% in ’07 will be revoked next lap. See this is why I fear the PLP the old guard rearing it’s ugly head again.

Posted 23 May 2012, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i too think of myself as an independant ,i vote for the party with the leader that i think will do the best job ,in 2002 plp . in 2007 ,fnm ,in 2012 fnm ...the 64,000 dollars question after seeing the new PM,S choices is do they care about winning again in 2017 and the partys legacy or is this the ultimate money grab ..PM ,Christie is going to have a very hard time spreading money like manna because the recession is going to continue ..the only way he can do it is plunge the country futher into debt and national debt is something you can not hide with smoke and mirrors...

Posted 23 May 2012, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

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