'Convention will see a new FNM emerge'

THE FNM says this weekend's party convention will be 'transformative' and that the party will emerge ready to hold the new government to account over its ambitious election promises.

FNM chairman Carl Bethel said: "The convention promises to be both exciting and transformative as the Free National Movement shows that it has heard the voice of the Bahamian electorate, and is prepared to respond positively and proactively to meet the challenges of being the official opposition, while laying a firm and enduring foundation for an early return to government.

"This is especially so as it becomes more and more obvious to hurting and long-suffering Bahamians that the newly elected, conflict of interest laden PLP government gained their support by false promises of a quick fix to the vexing problems of a depressed global and national economy, the home mortgage crisis, as well as the increasingly high and unacceptable levels of violent crime and murders on our streets."

Mr Bethel said the convention theme, 'Ignite the Future', emphasises the determination of every member, and the more than 65,000 supporters of the FNM, 'to do everything in their power to hold the torch of freedom high, to light the way to a better future, and to thereby ignite in the hearts of Bahamians a re-commitment to good governance, accountability and integrity in every public office.'

The convention will be held on Saturday, May 26 at the Holy Trinity Activities Centre in Trinity Way north of McKinney Avenue, Stapledon Gardens.

During the event a number of top positions are expected to be contested, including leader, deputy leader, national chairman and the trustees.

The convention starts at 8am and outgoing leader, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, will give his farewell address during the opening ceremony, which begins at 9am. The public are invited to attend.

After the opening ceremony, Mr Bethel said the convention will go into closed sessions, during which there will be nominations of candidates to contest senior party offices.

Voting will then take place, followed by the adoption of proposed amendments to the party's constitution, followed by an awards and recognition ceremony.

The evening session of the convention, which is also open to the public, will begin at 7pm and will feature the official announcement of the new party leader, deputy leader and all other elected officials.

A closing address and charge to delegates will be given by the new party leader.

Mr Bethel said: "The Free National Movement is pleased with the vast array of exciting contenders for party offices, inclusive of seasoned political leaders and newcomers, who are stepping forward to vie for the offices of deputy leader, chairman, secretary general, and a host of senior posts within the party."


TalRussell says...

To the outside observer of the FNM party they would have to give a reasonable look not so much as to what happened on Decision Day 2012 but what lead up to their embarrassing defeat. One aspect that cannot be brushed over was the party’s decision not to hold their 2011 National Convention, claiming tough financial times was the deciding factor. While it now appears this was not just talk, with reports leaking out that the party which went overboard in pointing out the PLP’s financial inability to pay ZNS for advertising, cannot pay its own campaign bills which some say are $10 million in errors. Had the FNM done what it says it will do this weekend; “emerge anew” at the 2011 convention they were afraid to hold so as not to open up the party to the leadership “peep show’ it is fast becoming, they may have just defeated PM Christie. Isn’t it a bit ironic that the press release has Comrade Carl’s name attached when it talks about a new FNM emerging, a FNN candidate that was rejected something like five times by the natives? You go figure.

Posted 21 May 2012, 2:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Cc says...

Omg! Omg! You didn't mention Hubert Ingraham! You finally got a life it seems. Aaaah... the wonder of it all.

Posted 21 May 2012, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...


Posted 21 May 2012, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Not surprisingly, that man's name I dare not mention would not only face defeat, as his former, trusted law partner would experience in 2002, he was to too damn scared to face a party membership with a lot of questions their canceled 2011 party convention to constitutionally obtain renomination by his own party. Isn't this the same unnamed man who had previously said that he would retire for good from active politics, to not seek the office of PM, yet he head popped up in 2007 for the same job?

Posted 21 May 2012, 9:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

Hubert Ingram was running a country. Mr. Bethel was organizing the campaingn for the 202 election. Based on the results, why should anyone vote for Mr. Bethel and his deputy?

"Ignite the Future" is an excellent theme. Now the FNM needs continue its presence in the community (especially the seats they lost.) Perhaps, a meeting every six months to hear what the people have to say. They neet to ignite the future!

Posted 22 May 2012, 10:16 p.m. Suggest removal

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