PM considers Bethel for prosecutor role


Tribune Staff Reporter

OUSTED Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Cheryl Grant-Bethell may be set to return to government to claim the title she felt was hard-earned.

Prime Minister Perry Christie said he plans to conduct an independent review of Mrs Grant-Bethell's application for the post of Director of Public Prosecutions.

"I did meet with Cheryl Grant-Bethell (yesterday)," Mr Christie said.

"I'm not as familiar as I could be with the issues affecting her, I gave her an undertaking that I will make myself familiar with those issues. We do have a Director of Public Prosecutions under contract, when you come to government, notwithstanding the best views articulated, one has to exercise good judgment when it comes to people who are in post."

The former Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions was locked in a bitter dispute with the Ingraham administration over her failure to be appointed Director of the department.

The DDPP of nine years was instead promoted to Deputy Law Reform and Revision Commissioner for a salary increase of $35 per month, a move she defined as a personal attack.

Speaking on the matter in the House of Assembly last year, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham indicated that he had "good and valid reasons" for not making Mrs Grant-Bethell DPP. He said he had previously supported Mrs Grant-Bethell for the DPP's post, but ultimately withdrew his support based on unspecified "information" that he had received, which he said gave him "good and valid reasons" to withdraw.

Mrs Grant-Bethell filed an application for judicial review after the appointment was given to Jamaican lawyer Vinette Graham Allen.

Senior Justice Isaacs refused to overturn Mrs Graham-Allen's appointment to the post of DPP; however, he noted in his judgment that the Judicial and Legal Services Commission "failed to treat her fairly and that the advice tendered to the Governor General was flawed because the JLSC considered material they should not have had in their contemplation when they purported to do so".

Speaking at the swearing-in ceremony for PLP senators, Mr Christie added: "Ms Grant-Bethell is fully aware of my own authority in this matter. I will in good faith examine the position - and independent of the Attorney General - I will arrive at my position as what is the right thing to do in all of the circumstances."


Bril says...

This is another load of bollocks. I didn't agree with how she was treated by the FNM administration but I must say this is total rubbish. It creates disharmony and discord in an office already full to the brim with ego. This coupled with the manic Allyson Maynard is a recipe for explosives. Can you say dynamite? If you want to appease her I suggest finding something else for her to do. But it appears that the PM is hellbent on causing problems in thee ministries. You put a former subordinate to the COP and many of the other high ranking officers as a state minister and expect them to respect or like him? Stupid. I don't care if you want to reward Bell for service to the party, but I think its a bad idea to put him in this position. Put him in youth, or some other role. I don't know. But for crying out loud don't put a former lower ranked officer in a position to instruct policy that his former bosses must carry out. Further more I don't know what so called expertise he brings that the COP can't advise the minister on anyway. A half way law degree doesn't make you an expert on anything. Get it right I'm a PLP. But I simply believe I have to ride my party hard. Because niceness doesn't seem to work with you all. And right now the PM, Perry practicing a whole lot of .. .. anyway let me hold my tongue.

Posted 22 May 2012, 3:52 p.m. Suggest removal

dacy says...

please dont hold your tongue....this is our country and if people how know better hold their tongue we will all suffer!

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

mynameis says...

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Posted 22 May 2012, 4:01 p.m.

notsogullible says...

I agree with "mynameis". It is definitely expected with the PLP's culture of entitlement. No matter how well something or someone is working for the post, because the holder of that post is not PLP, GET RID OF HIM/HER! We should not be surprised. No qualifications needed, just clear the position even if a PLP roach has to fill it.

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I am not that familiar with the truth, if it did exist outside of one man's spite, but it is decisions like this which will eventually lead a clear path to the way PM Christie will govern. Whatever his decision is should be swift and firm, no politics.

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

i think next PM Christie is going to find a position for Rudy King

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

You bet he will - Director of fraud detection!

Posted 22 May 2012, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

concernedcitizen says...

didn,t Mrs Bethell clog up the already over burden court system with some nonsense about the exPM slapping her, and while the courts were busy trying to lock up murderers didn,t she try to use the court system as a public forum to demeam people and get her job back or damages ,let the good times roll............

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

shhhh .... don't panic! The PLP way of taking care of crime is to set the stage to create more crime to take care of the existing crime, then .... their tactics are so confusing! In just two weeks we are well on the way to becoming a global laughing stock of the western hemisphere - I guess that beats the last reputation we had under the PLP - "A nation for sale"

Posted 22 May 2012, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Arob says...

"A nation for sale" was under Pindling administration. The more recent international scandals under the first Christie administration can be called "rake'n and scrap'n with the stars!"

Posted 22 May 2012, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

lol! Thanks for the correction and enlightenment.

Posted 22 May 2012, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Was not this the same man who when he was leader of the Opposition was crying over the place about the FNM doing stop and review? And now he comes and does the same thing?
While I agree any government should be allowed to stop and review that left by another government, I cannot support people who try to use it as a political issue for others and then they are totally disingenuous in doing the same when they come to power and then widh no one to criticize them.

Posted 22 May 2012, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

The FNMs need to get a life because they know better than to behave as though its only the PLP that does do fool. It is this same stupid tribalism that is stagnating our development. I made very clear that I'm a PLP supporter in my previous post and I also made it very clear that I believe that it would be a stupid decision to give this woman any placement in that department. There is a sense of entitlement in both these major parties. It explains very clearly why some who have lost twice in previous elections were allowed to run. A prime example is Mr. Foulkes. Any sensible FNM, and I've spoken to many, couldn't understand why he was being run again. But just like the PLP there is a sense of entitlement and this feeling as though they've paid their dues or that their family has been loyal. Well, I will say this both of these major parties are playing games. Ask yourself where are these people living? What schools their kids going to? Where is their grand vacation this year? They living the life and you piss poor and celebrating. Both parties need a good house cleaning. The FNM needs to wake up and realize that Papa can't do it for you no more and the sensible thing to do would have been to plan in advance of all this. But I suspect the PLP will do the same thing. Fumble around til the last minute and then look for a leader. All because they don't want to hurt the feelings of the PM. But you see these people forget. Its not about them. Its about the sustainability of the party. I've said it before and I will say it again. The PLP doesn't belong to any one person or family. The FNM doesn't belong to Papa or any of the other families involved in that party. We have to wake up and smell the roses and see that the party ultimately has the say as to who becomes leader. I think we forget that. Again, I'm a PLP but I aint taking no ..... from these fellas this time. We bringing the noise this time round. Do what you suppose to do or get lost.

Posted 22 May 2012, 8:16 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Well said, it's why I disavowed the old style party system. I wish you all the best with holding their feet to the fire from within the party, because I and other independents will certainly be doing it from outside as well this lap.

Posted 23 May 2012, 6:56 a.m. Suggest removal

spoitier says...

That is why Bahamians should go against the green or should I say with the green next election.

Posted 23 May 2012, 3:02 p.m. Suggest removal

notsogullible says...

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Posted 24 May 2012, 8:07 a.m.

concernedcitizen says...

there is a man that was different HAI ,he didn,t even care when he pissed off,, his MP,S or backers if they were wrong ,and they called him a dictator in a country with elections ...if he was the king ,,long live the king

Posted 24 May 2012, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

I beg to differ Concernedcitizen. Hubert Ingraham was no different. He did the same rubbish and FNMs love to act like he was so different. He did the FNM a disservice by not sensibly planning for and grooming his successors. He knew that Tommy and Dion couldn't foot the bill so he should have looked elsewhere. But watch Concernedcitizen, Perry will be no different. He will sit around and wait til the last minute and then endorse someone. Which will in the end cause tensions to rise in the party. The grooming of leaders should be such that, they are groomed and the party then decides who carries us forward. Perry's only job now as party leader should be to be a guide and a source of knowledge. He nor Hubert should ever get in this habit of endorsing one person or the other.

In fact they should have been so good at grooming these guys that it makes it hard for the delegates to choose. All that means is that we would have a stable of leaders for years to come. Again its not about these men. Its about our country and the kind of leaders we want to groom to lead our country from either side of the aisle. I think the process of grooming and preparing leaders in our country has fallen well off the mark. And its not only in politics of which I speak. The business community has done a shockingly poor job of mentoring young professionals in this country. The guys at the top think they will be there forever and when they leave or are forced to leave there is a void left. A selfish and stupid attitude that is pervasive in this country.

Posted 25 May 2012, 4:03 a.m. Suggest removal

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