Rain brings shelter a flood of unwanted pets

THE recent rains led scores of Bahamians to abandon their pets to the Bahamas Humane Society - simply because they couldn't be bothered to take care of a wet animal.

As a result, the BHS shelter is once again inundated with dogs in desperate need of a loving home.

A local activist unconnected with the BHS said: "Once again the Humane Society is faced with so many, too many, dogs - this time beautiful adult dogs, many of whom were family pets discarded because of the rain and the intolerance of people.

"The dog's fur gets wet and they don't like the smell of 'wet dog', or the dog shakes - I guess they never heard of a towel."

The activist said she wishes people understood how "sad and miserable" dogs are after they are abandoned.

"The dog's only crime was to be allowed to get wet and therefore offend the delicate sensibilities of the owner," she said.

Admitting that the shelter is full to capacity, BHS officials nevertheless said they were looking on the bright side.

One said: "At least people are not just driving to the bush and dumping their dog out. At least they come to us and we can care for them, feed them and try, beg, borrow to find them a home.

"Also, we find that people are trusting us more to do the right thing than ever before, so more found dogs are being brought to us. However, this brings in the overcrowding drama to a head."

According to the BHS, the shelter is not usually so full, as overcrowding most often occurs as a result of unusual circumstances like hurricanes.

In order to encourage caring members of the public to adopt a new pet, the BHS is offering a discounted price of $20 on any dog over one year old.

"The obvious advantages to adopting an adult dog is that you do not go through that difficult puppy stage that some people, especially seniors, find tiring.

"Older dogs are content to just sit and watch TV or count the clouds going by," said a BHS spokesperson.

Anyone interested in adopting a dog should visit the Bahamas Humane Society shelter in Chippingham.


carlh57 says...

Yep, here's your "stupid sign"! Fortunately the children didn't get wet during the rain storm or the hospitals would be filled up too...

Posted 30 May 2012, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

SharingOnline says...

I think that the positive message that BHS should be sending here is that during thunder storms dogs get very afraid due to the noise of the thunder and they tend to run away. Its important for owners to know this and to provide an enclosed shelter for their animals. My dog will be sitting under a well covered shelter but runs under a bush in my yard and ends up very wet during thunder storms. And he loves water but he's just scared.

I am sure that many of these dogs are lost because they ran away in fear when the rain and thunder occurred. The owners probably don't know where their dogs are.

To assist in the future I'd like to suggest to BHS that they put out messages before hurricanes and bad weather notifying the public that extra care and attention need to be taken for their animals. They can ask ZNS and Cable 12 weatherpersons to put out the reminder with some tips. Facebook is also helpful. A little extra effort with preventive public notices will help BHS and its associated organizations in the long haul.

Also when I lost my dog years ago I called BHS and they were rude and not very helpful. Hopefully this has changed. Many people, when they find a dog rely on BHS to assist them in reuniting the pet with the owner, after all that's where people will call if their dog is missing. BHS may wish to consider having a data base and competent people working the phones to assist in this manner. These are just a few ways that BHS and its partners can prevent so many dogs at their doorstep.

Yes Bahamians can be irresponsible in care of their animals, some of it is from ignorance. It is no more responsible for The Tribune or BHS and its associations to blast Bahamians in this manner. Thank you for your work BHS and its partners. Just remember that gentle reminders and tips are a much better example.

> Blockquote

Posted 31 May 2012, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal

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