JUST IN: PM announces referendum date

Prime Minister Perry Christie announced in the House of assembly today that the referendum that would see some forms of gambling legalized in the Bahamas, will be held on December 3.

Mr Christie restated that if the country should vote 'yes' to legalizing the 'numbers' business, that not all 'numbers houses' that operate at present will be legitimized and licenced.

The question of whether or not Bahamians will be allowed to gamble in local casinos is not expected to be a part of the December referendum.


adel242 says...

OK. So Gambling is more important than the advancement of women in this country? Sigh...this government....

Posted 1 November 2012, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Bril says...

Chrisitie can't win. When he did nothing he was too slow. Now he making a move we say its too fast. What do we really want? I see why Hubert just did what he wanted and let people talk. You simply cannot satisfy everyone. The church leaders are saying its rushed. The fact is we've been talking about this for years. Church and civic leaders have had more than enough time to look at the long term social consequences. They always want the government to come to them for some advice. Why didn't they commence some social research years ago to present to the government? Nothing on paper just guessing and assumptions as to what might happen. Besides not every pastor or priest is against this. The church has been inconsistent on many things. So they need to get their act together.

Posted 1 November 2012, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades personally for me when I think about the month of December I inevitably think of Christmas which is my favorite time of the whole year. A time to go shopping for those special gifts, and our turkeys and hams, and in my case a family tradition of preparing and baking our 100 year old family Bahamian fruit cake recipe.

Unfortunately, for the many thousands of our natives left behind in the economic mess of the former red shirts regime, this Christmas is not going be so free spirited. 

And even for those with regular paychecks what the PM announced today in the House is being seen by many of his own supporters, as the PM having been hook-winked into talking the natives into forgetting all about going shopping for Christmas trees and gifts and instead to go shopping early for your numbers at one of your soon to be opened "privately" owned by the exclusive club of gold card numbers operators $1 million neighborhood corner numbers web shops?

Comrades you done all know it is a proven "fact" that the deep money pockets of the numbers rackets men's been readily available for the quick to reach hands of both PLP and red shirts candidates, to hustle some extra campaign spending cash Little did we know that a popular newly elected government would be so anxious to nail old Santa up on he cross, over Christmas time 2012? 

The late Clarence Bain would say: "Great God what is this I see taking place in our Bahamaland. Surly, not a Christmas time referendum to be held on rushing through the legalization for numbers houses to be opening shortly, right on the corners of your local neighborhoods?"

PM you have never talked once about your government's reasoning for "not" investing in conducting an in-depth study to closely examine the huge social cost to follow your government's licensing 'of today's' numbers rackets operators. Why not PM?

PM can an applicant who was charged and convicted before a Judge with operating an "illegal" numbers rackets bes o allowed to apply to open a gambling joint in a Bahamaland neighborhood? If so. Why so?

PM why such a rush when it was "not' demanded by the natives as a priority in their daily lives?

PM don't you think the natives who returned you to power deserve much more, from you?


Posted 1 November 2012, 5:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Concerned says...

The real question is: Why is Christie hell bent on legalizing the numbers houses rather than a national lottery system? What deal has been made with the numbers bosses? The government will get far more money from a national lottery rather than waiting on numbers houses to pay taxes. We can't even get companies to consistently pay NIB and we expect them to be honest about the money gained from numbers. A national lottery is clear and transparent on the amount of money coming in - it clearly shows in the value of the drawing. There is no transparency with numbers houses. Or maybe that's the reason for wanting numbers houses - there is no transparency of payouts, kickbacks and underhand deals.

God is not finished with us yet.

Posted 1 November 2012, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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