Former officers fined for gas theft


Tribune Freeport Reporter

FREEPORT – Two former police officers convicted of stealing nearly $800 of gasoline from the Royal Bahamas Police Force were each ordered by a Supreme Court judge to pay a fine.

Racine Milfort and Tony Griffin appeared before Senior Justice Hartman Longley at a sentencing hearing on Wednesday.

Instead of imposing a custodial sentence, Justice Longley ordered that the time the men spent in jail on remand count as time served, and ordered each to pay a fine of $349.

Milfort, 46, and Griffin, 48, were stationed at the Police Force Garage when nearly 200 gallons of fuel went missing on November 12, 2010.

At the trial in September, both men were found guilty of stealing 199 gallons of gasoline with a total value of $788.

According to a probation report that was submitted at the sentencing hearing, Milfort and Griffin were described as good police officers with no other convictions. Both men were veteran officers who served around 30 years on the force.

The court also heard that the men attended church regularly and were family men.

However, prosecutor Erica Kemp argued that both men violated the oath they took as police officers.

Justice Longley based his decision on the fact that both officers provided exemplary service and were of exemplary character. He said they had already served time in prison awaiting sentencing.

Milfort and Griffin were represented by Dawson Malone of Callenders and Co, and K Brian Hanna, respectively.


positiveinput says...

So basically those officers just got the fuel on consignment considering the amount their fines were. However, each paying $349 totals $698, subtract that from the $788 actual value of the fuel leaves them still paying $90 less. Then these two thieves are describe as having exemplary character and provided exemplary service. WTF. They were found guilty so whatever character they portrayed prior to stealing fuel was just a cover up of who they really were - THIEVES. Oh my bad, Veteran, church going, family men - THEVES. I just hope the Force Garage takes out legal actions to be compensated for their loss now.

Posted 10 November 2012, 6 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

Rediculous!! At least make them pay the full amount of the gas, plus all the legal fees associated with the case. Heck...They just got heavily discounted fuel!!

Posted 12 November 2012, 9:09 a.m. Suggest removal

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